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Renny MacKay
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Renny MacKay
Radio Story - The House and Senate have now both passed the bill to try and help those people taken advantage of by telemarketers. It would also create a state list people can join that telemarketers would be prevented from calling. If a business calls a person on this list they could be fined up to $5000.
Radio Story - The proposal is supported by both parties and both anti and pro death penalty legislators. The only problem is the session may end before it can pass.
5/ 8/2000:
Radio Story - Representative Bill Boucher proposed the plan. He is concerned, not about the cost, but the fact that 10 000 WWII vets die each year, and wants to recognize those still alive.
5/ 8/2000:
Radio Story - The Missouri House debated and voted on the state Open Meetings Law Monday. They made several additions to the bill from the Senate
5/ 8/2000:
Radio Story - The Missouri House debated and voted on the state Open Meetings Law Monday. They made several additions to the bill from the Senate
5/ 3/2000:
Radio Story - The Missouri Association of Prosecuting Attorneys supports a bill to stop executions of the mentally retarded. That support seems to be enough to get the bill passed. It is the first time they have supported the bill.
5/ 3/2000:
Radio Story - In reaction to suspect retirement deals for three Missouri post secondary officials prompted an amendment by Senator Wayne Goode to try and stop "sweet heart deals."
5/ 2/2000:
Radio Story - Even though the committee passed the bill it may be too late in the session for the bill to ever make it onto the floor of the Senate for debate or a vote.
Radio Story - The out of work employees came to the state capitol for a rally and to try and get support from legislators to try and force AWG officials back to the bargaining table. They found an ally in Independent Governor Candidate, Larry Rice.
Radio Story - The House debated for five hours about the creation of a trust fund for money from the tobacco settlement. But, the bill is not required to establish the fund. The governor can do it regardless.
Radio Story - The House passed the immunization bill, but sent it to the Senate without its original requirement that restaurant owners also provide Hep A and Chicken Pox shots for employees. The bill also says that parents can get a philisophical exemption to keep their children from getting the shots.
Radio Story - Lieutenant Governor candidate Gracia Backer told a story to the House Committee about how she had been pulled over and targetted for "geographic profiling." The committee passed the bill, which now has to be passed by the House and approved by the governor.
Radio Story - During the debate on same sex marriages in the Senate, the issue of legislating morality came to the floor.
Radio Story - The co-sponsor of the bill to pave the way for the planners of the new Cardinals' stadium says if the bill doesn't reach the House Floor within a week it doesn't stand much of a chance of passing.
4/ 5/2000:
Radio Story - The Senate approved a proposal to cut the size of the House from 163 to 105 Representatives.
4/ 5/2000:
Radio Story - Senator Ted House of St. Charles is the bill's sponsor, he is putting the bill aside to try and deal with the diversity of opinions on the charter school issue.
4/ 4/2000:
Radio Story - Two states passed legislation this week mandating safety locks on guns. In Missouri this year the gun lock legislation is basically dead.
Radio Story - The sponsor of the Senate bill to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment to the U.S. constitution says the Senate Judiciary Committee wouldn't have passed her bill. She cancelled the last two hearings of the bill in committee. Now, with help from Senator Maxwell the bill will now be heard in a different Committee.
Radio Story - After debating fourteen different amendments, a bill to reform telemarketing passed with bipartisan support in the Senate.
3/ 8/2000:
Radio Story - Because of the undercount in St. Louis the city missed out on 10 million dollars a year in funding. State officials are working hard to correct that problem this year.
3/ 7/2000:
Radio Story - The Missouri presidential primaries have a special rule allowing party volunteers to record which party voters were choosing. The Secretary of State, Becky Cook says this is only to please the national party committees.
Radio Story - With a busload of supporters with him, Lacy Clay filed for candidacy in the first Congressional district of Missouri.
Radio Story - The House Committee on Transportation approved a bill that would rename the St. Louis part of Highway 64 after the Rams MVP. The bill's sponsor hasn't talked to Warner yet.
Radio Story - The bill would order businesses that sell booze to post a sign warning that alcohol may cause birth defects. But, there are no penalties for businesses that don't post a sign.
Radio Story - The bill would order businesses that sell booze to post a sign warning that alcohol may cause birth defects. But, there are no penalties for businesses that don't post a sign.
Radio Story - The Missouri House voted against an effort to move more of the state's highway construction budget into metropolitan areas.
Radio Story - The Missouri House voted against an effort to move more of the state's highway construction budget into metropolitan areas.
2/ 2/2000:
Radio Story - St. Louis Representative, Ron Auer's proposal to form a commission to study and report on the growht of St. Louis, met with a lot of opposition.
2/ 1/2000:
Radio Story - A bill proposed by St. Louis Senator William Clay Jr. would give new parents a 12-week leave.
Radio Story - House Republican leader Delbert Scott is disapointed with a "a quick fix" solution to the state's highway problems.
Radio Story - State Treasurer and gubornatorial hopeful expresses his ideas about the transportation plans of the Democrats.
Radio Story - While top-GOP candidate for governor, Jim Talent gave a speech one after Gov. Carnahan's own speech, Democrat governor hopefull, Bob Holden preferred to stay out of the limelight.
Radio Story - The House Republicans are proposing to do away with the current tranportation commission. The Democrats do not see the problem.
Radio Story - House Republicans have proposed a bill to divide the Kansas City School District.
Radio Story - A lawmaker has proposed a bill to refund long distance charges for people trying to reach state officials if they instead reach their voice mail.
Missouri Digital News is produced by Missouri Digital News, Inc. -- a non profit organization of current and former journalists.
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