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Plan would allow leave for new parents.

February 1, 2000
By: Renny MacKay
State Capital Bureau

A state law maker says he wants to strengthen Missouri families, business leaders say his idea would be an economic burden on Missourians.

From Jefferson City, Renny MacKay has more.

OutCue: SOC

St. Louis Senator William Clay Jr. is sponsoring a bill to build on an idea of President Clinton's. The bill would allow both parents to take a 12 week paid leave after a child's birth or after an adoption.

Contents: He says that the family is the strongest unit of our society and the state should be supportive of that unit.

Clinton made this proposal possible last fall when he relaxed federal laws to allow states to use money from unemployment compensation funds.

Detractors say that the money in the fund isn't supposed to be used in this way and it could threaten the solvency of the fund, putting a burden on Missouri employers.

From the State Capitol, I'm Renny MacKay.

Business leaders charge that a bill proposed by Democrats would threaten the state's unemployment fund.

From Jefferson City, Renny MacKay has more.

OutCue: SOC

A bill proposed today by Senator Bill Clay would allow new-parents to take a 12 week paid leave. The money would be paid to employees from the state's unemployment compensation trust fund.

Chris Long is president of Associated Industries, and is worried about the possible high costs of the bill for several reasons.

Contents: He says that economic feesibility, and the impact on the fund and the economy worry him and that the trust fund has only recently become solvent.

Estimates have the bill's cost as high as $350 million, but supporters say the actual cost will be much lower.

One of those supporters is A-F-L-C-I-O president Hugh McVey.

From the State Capitol, I'm Renny MacKay.

A state labor leader is supporting a bill that business leaders say could threaten the state's unemployment fund.

From Jefferson City, Renny MacKay has more.

OutCue: SOC

The proposed bill would allow new parents to take 12 weeks paid leave. The parents would be paid from the state's unemployment compensation fund.

Hugh McVey, president of the A-F-L-C-I-O, spoke in support of the bill.

Contents: He says that while the county is experiencing an economic boom, some people don't enough money to take time off to raise a newborn child and the state could help them do this.

Detractors of the bill, say the bill threatens the solvency of the unemployment fund.

Their concern is the possible high cost of the bill, which could run as high as 350 million dollars.

From the state capitol, I'm Renny MacKay.