This week Massachusettes and Maryland passed legislation for safety locks on guns. Here in Missouri gun lock legislation is stalled in both the House and Senate.
From the state capitol, Renny MacKay has more.
Governor Carnahan said in his state of the state address that safety locks were a priority.
But... it took several months for anyone to propose a safety lock bill.
The sponsors of the bills say current legislation is all but dead. St. Louis Senator Betty Sims says she has a new idea.
The Governor says he's hopefull the bill will pass and will work to try and get the law on the books.
From Jefferson City, I'm Renny MacKay.
In his state of the state address earlier this year Governor Mel Carnahan said one of his priorities was getting a gun safety-lock law passed...but safety lock bills in the Missouri capitol are all but dead.
From Jefferson City, Renny MacKay has more.
The two bills, one in the House and one in the Senate are not moving forward. The committee did pass from a Senate committee, but Harold Caskey, the committee chair, hasn't sent the bill to the Senate floor. The House bill hasn't even been voted on yet.
But, Carnahan's spokesman Jerry Nachtigal says the Governor is still hopeful.
The bills' sponsors want to attach the trigger lock legislation to other bills.
From the state capitol, I'm Renny MacKay.
Gun safety locks are gaining support around the country. But, here in Missouri the gun safety lock issue is not a top issue.
From Jefferson City Renny MacKay has more.
Two gun safety lock bills in the Missouri capitol have stalled and thier sponsors say the bills have little chance of passing.
This... despite Governor Carnahan saying in his state of the state address this year that gun safety locks were a priority for the state.
Jerry Nachtigal is Carnahan's spokesman.
The sponsor of the bill in the Senate says she is trying to attach the gun safety legislation to another safety bill.
From the state capitol, I'm Renny MacKay.