Last week the GOP's leading candidate for governor announced his party's plan to address the needs of the state's highways.
From Jefferson City Renny MacKay has the Democrat's leading candidate's views on the issue.
Last week Republican Jim Talent had his say.
After Democrats made their proposal to fix highways on Tuesday, the Democrat's candidate Bob Holden voiced his opinion.
He says the plan is fiscally responsible and is a good use of the money.
But he says it isn't a complete answer.
Holden also says with bipartisan support the state could see more money for highways this year.
From the State Capitol, I'm Renny MacKay.
The State Treasurer and gubornatorial hopeful says with bipartisan support, highways could see some relief soon.
From Jefferson City, Renny MacKay has more.
Tuesday, the Democrats revealed their proposal to fix the state's ailing highways.
Bob Holden is their leading candidate for governor. He says he is happy with the proposal, and calls it fiscally responsible.
The Democrats proposal would provide 2 billion dollars in bonds to the highway commision over six years.
Holden says that the sooner the money can be available the better. And he says he hopes legislators will act quickly.
Critics say the Democrat's proposal is a quick fix. They say lawmakers have a responsibility to find long-term solutions.
From the State Capitol, I'm Renny MacKay.