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October 2011 Stories
Radio Story - Gov. Jay Nixon's office refuses to comment on Mamtek investigation
NewsBook - News summary for the week of October 24, 2011
Newspaper Story - A breakdown of tax credits in Missouri, how they work and where the money goes
Newspaper Story - Here's what the special session did and didn't accomplish.
Radio Story - St. Louis grocery stores take precautions before E. coli breakout worsens
Radio Story - A House committee will conduct another independent investigation into the Mamtek situation.
Radio Story - The Missouri Guard aids troops with reintegration upon release of active duty in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Radio Story - Missouri Health Department officials refuse to talk about the E. coli outbreak facing St. Louis.
Radio Story - The Missouri Health Department does not know the source of the potentially deadly E. coli outbreak.
Radio Story - Missouri is ranked 44th in energy efficiency by ACEEE, but efforts in residential conservation is carrying on.
Radio Story - The President's decision to pull U.S. troops from Iraq, has the Missouri National Guard changing deployments.
Newspaper Story - The Missouri Senate quits on the special session and refuses a conference with House leadership.
Radio Story - The Missouri Health Insurance Pool Continues Work to Implement Obamacare in Missouri.
Radio Story - Missouri's Senate calls for end of the special session as they adjourned on Tuesday with a sine die.
Radio Story - Speaker of the House says special session is over.
Radio Story - Peabody will complete acquisition of Australia's Macarthur Coal and expand its business overseas.
Radio Story - It took only two Senators to steak the heart of China hub legislation, bring special session to end.
Newspaper Story - Deal intends to raise Missouri agricultural exports to $4.4 billion without China hub legislation.
Radio Story - Missouri governor signs $4.4 billion trade agreement with Chinese officials to increase the state's exports.
NewsBook - News summary for the week of October 17, 2011
Radio Story - The House suggests taking the China-hub bill to conference as the Senate lets the economic development die.
Newspaper Story - Missouri is now ranked as one of the worst states when it comes to energy efficiency.
Radio Story - Rep. Kander joins the Governor's trip to China to promote Missouri export.
Radio Story - With just 15 calendar days left in the special session, the House and Senate are still far from any agreement
Radio Story - The state stands in 44th place out of the 50 states in terms of economic efficiency.
Radio Story - Governor Jay Nixon plans to travel to China despite China-hub legislation failure in the special session
Radio Story - Despite denying apology, the Missouri House tries to make nice with state's second largest employer.
Newspaper Story - Although The House passed the tax credit review amendment, the Senate has no intention to vote on it.
Radio Story - Missouri is cracking down on exotic animal regulations to prevent an incident like in Ohio.
Radio Story - Governor Jay Nixon is refusing to answer questions regarding Kinder's criticisms about SynCare.
Radio Story - Missouri Auditor Tom Schweich will file legislation expanding his office's authority.
Radio Story - Missouri Senate President Pro-Tem Rob Mayer refused to rule out a the future passage of tax credit reform.
Radio Story - After Mamtek's default, the Magic City is trying to revive.
Newspaper Story - Missouri's Lieutenant Governor addresses need to change health care assessments.
Radio Story - Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder says MO Health Dept. is endangering the lives of Medicare recipients.
Newspaper Story - Families of sex offenders push law makers to back off of life long sex offender registries
Radio Story - After Wi-Fi Sensors' default, the company's officials say they remain optimistic to go back to work soon.
Radio Story - After Wi-Fi Sensors defaulted on a loan payment in 2010, officials remain optimistic the company will succeed.
Radio Story - On the mind of some Missouri lawmakers Tuesday-sex. Representatives work to reform sex offender registration.
Radio Story - Figures released show Nixon's campaign has raised triple the amount raised by Kinder.
Newspaper Story - The state's presidential primary will stay in February, despite division among Republicans.
Radio Story - Missouri's Senate pushes aside changing or repealing Missouri's presidental primary.
NewsBook - News summary for the week of October 10, 2011
Radio Story - MO DSS refuses to talk about the new welfare drug testing program - months after the bill was signed into law.
Newspaper Story - After the authorization of a bill to drug test Missourians on welfare, no evidence of progress has been found.
Newspaper Story - Senate leader says he wants to wrap up the session next week, with or without the tax credit bill
Newspaper Story - Senate committee delves into the state's OK on tax-exempt bonds that funded the Mamtek project
Radio Story - Senate Leader says China Hub without sunsets will move to a conference committee.
Radio Story - Officials from all electric providers discuss EPA standards.
Radio Story - Senate Pro-Tem says special session to end next week whether a jobs package is passed or not.
Radio Story - A Missouri Senator wants answers from the DED
10/ 9/2011:
NewsBook - News summary for the week of October 3, 2011
10/ 6/2011:
Radio Story - Senators React to the House debate of China Hub.
10/ 6/2011:
Newspaper Story - A Senate committee launched an investigation Thursday into Wi-Fi Sensors' default on their state loan.
10/ 6/2011:
Radio Story - After amending the bill nine times, the Missouri House overwhelmingly sends the China hub bill to the Senate.
10/ 6/2011:
Radio Story - Missouri Senate committee launches investigation on economic development project Wi-Fi Sensors in Kirksville.
10/ 6/2011:
Radio Story - Only one type of MoDOT employee remains safe amidst cuts
10/ 6/2011:
Radio Story - The Missouri Republican party is accusing Governor Jay Nixon of protecting a felon
10/ 5/2011:
Newspaper Story - Missouri Senate committee digs in to determine consequences of failed Chinese development project
10/ 5/2011:
Newspaper Story - Missouri House committee OKs bill without considering Senate-friendly amendments
10/ 5/2011:
Radio Story - Representative Nasheed refuses to work further on China hub bill.
10/ 5/2011:
Radio Story - Senate committee looks into what Mamtek failure means for future Missouri investments.
10/ 4/2011:
Radio Story - The Missouri Export Act, once called the China hub bill, remains unlikely to pass during special session.
10/ 4/2011:
Newspaper Story - Missouri Lawmakers work towards legislation to improve corrections
10/ 4/2011:
Newspaper Story - House leaders give the legislature's China hub, Aerotropolis bill a new name.
10/ 4/2011:
Radio Story - A Missouri legislative panel looks to easing probation requirements to cut costs and reduce repeat criminals.
10/ 4/2011:
Radio Story - After collapse of its China deal, Moberly suffers another economic setback.
10/ 4/2011:
Radio Story - Over two dozen Southwest Missouri local businesses didn't test drinking water systems for bacteria.
10/ 4/2011:
Radio Story - Missouri's governor still plans his China trip.
10/ 4/2011:
Radio Story - Missouri's House will be asked to let Missourians vote on raising electric rates for a nuclear power plant.
10/ 3/2011:
Newspaper Story - Treasurer's unclaimed property auction includes Ozzie Smith baseball, collectibles.
10/ 3/2011:
Radio Story - State Treasurer Clint Zweifel is auctioning off items found in unclaimed safe deposit boxes.
10/ 2/2011:
NewsBook - News summary for the week of September 26, 2011
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