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May 2009 Stories
Radio Story - With session wrapping up at the Missouri Capitol, some legislators are saying term limits are behind some of the problems that arose this year.
Newspaper Story - A look at the effect of term limits on the legislative process.
Newspaper Story - Six fiscally conservative Senators have directed the path of spending bills in the Missouri Legislature this year
Radio Story - Six fiscally conservative senators found their voice this session saying enough with expanding the state budget
Radio Story - Missouri House passes a job creation bill in its final session.
Newspaper Story - Disagreement over caps on tax credit programs delays passage of economic development bill and prevents health care legislation.
Newspaper Story - Hopes for health care legislation end with session
Newspaper Story - The Senate passes abortion legislation stripped of coercion language.
Radio Story - The Missouri Senate held a late night debate on abortion and passed a bill that would place stricter limitations on abortions.
Radio Story - The House passed a bill which gives public defenders the right to turn down a trial.
Radio Story - The House adjourned early Thursday, with only 24 hours left in the legislative session.
Newspaper Story - Legislative wrap for Thursday, May 14, 2009
Radio Story - The House recessed early, leaving the fate of the economic development bill and health care legislation in limbo.
Radio Story - Hundreds crowded the steps of the state capitol in support of home schooling.
Radio Story - The House debate over an education bill turned to a discussion of homosexual safety in schools.
Radio Story - A moratorium on the death penalty got voted down in the House despite ardent protests from Democrat Representatives.
Newspaper Story - Columbia legislators say bipartisan cooperation led to financial gain for the city
Newspaper Story - The House passes Show Me Health Care with some changes.
Radio Story - The Missouri House passed a bill giving health coverage to 20,000 Missourians but lost the support of the bill handler in the process.
Newspaper Story - Crime bill passes Senate
Radio Story - A possible ban on texting while driving is back in play in the State Capitol.
Radio Story - House Majority Floor Leader asked Governor Nixon for a request today: to commute the death sentence of a convicted killer in Missouri.
Radio Story - Missouri Democrats managed to stall a bill that would allow police to get DNA samples of virtually anyone they arrest.
Newspaper Story - Wrap up of Tuesday of legislative session
Radio Story - With three days left in the legislative session, Republican Senators held a closed-door meeting with the governor in an attempt to reach a compromise on Gov. Jay Nixon's job creation bill.
Radio Story - The Missouri House passed a bill that was deemed the last vehicle for health care.
Newspaper Story - Concealed-carry bill stalls in Senate committee
Radio Story - With only four days left in legislative session, a Senate committee canceled a vote on a measure that would allow college students to carry loaded firearms.
5/ 7/2009:
Newspaper Story - Senate Republicans question whether utilization of federal stimulus funds will jeopardize the state's future.
5/ 7/2009:
Radio Story - Governor Jay Nixon's Medicaid expansion plan was shot down by the House.
5/ 7/2009:
Radio Story - The Senate accepted $148 million in federal stimulus funds for higher education despite opposing pleas from conservative Republicans.
5/ 7/2009:
Radio Story - The state says you'll get your income tax refund, but it won't say when.
5/ 7/2009:
Radio Story - Conservative Senate Republicans argued to not adopt stabilization funds for higher education, but a majority vote in the Senate overruled their pleas.
5/ 6/2009:
Radio Story - Missouri's first openly gay Senator had a historic day this past weekend in Iowa.
5/ 6/2009:
Radio Story - Cigarette house fires cause about 800 deaths a year, and a House bill aimed at decreasing that number has reached the governor's desk.
5/ 6/2009:
Radio Story - One St. Louis lawmaker opposed a bill that would distribute federal stimulus money saying he doesn't want to get Missouri further into debt.
5/ 6/2009:
Newspaper Story - House Republicans reject health care bill, accuse Nixon of bribery
5/ 6/2009:
Radio Story - A bill regulating pre-need funeral contracts is on it's way to the Governor's desk after moving through the Senate Wednesday.
5/ 6/2009:
Radio Story - As the constitutional deadline for finishing the state budget is merely two days away, the House is making progress, but not without some roadblocks.
5/ 6/2009:
Radio Story - Controversy over stimulus money continued in the Missouri House Wednesday
5/ 6/2009:
Radio Story - House Republicans shot down a bill Wednesday that would put 35,000 Missourians back on Medicare, saying it was welfare.
5/ 6/2009:
Radio Story - A House Republican accused Gov. Jay Nixon's office of a major crime: bribing in return for a vote on an important bill that would put thousands of Missourians back on Medicaid.
5/ 5/2009:
Radio Story - The Senate passed a bill renewing the funds for everything funded this year.
5/ 5/2009:
Newspaper Story - The Missouri House approved a proposal that would change the Missouri Constitution pending voter approval
5/ 5/2009:
Newspaper Story - The state's general revenue was down from last year, significantly so in some areas
5/ 5/2009:
Radio Story - Huge chunks of the $365 million stimulus bill were cut Tuesday, but one Senator managed to get his $2 million amendment added.
5/ 5/2009:
Newspaper Story - MoHELA projects to be funded with federal budget stabilization money.
5/ 5/2009:
Radio Story - The Missouri House passed a bill Tuesday that would change property assessors in easter counties from appointed to elected.
5/ 5/2009:
Radio Story - State's Top Budget Official Announces State Tax Collection's Continue To Fall.
5/ 5/2009:
Newspaper Story - A $700M school building construction bill is 'in trouble' after Senate filibuster
5/ 5/2009:
Radio Story - A bill to give 800 million to Missouri's universities came under filibuster from an amendment making the bill more expensive.
5/ 4/2009:
Newspaper Story - Missouri's first openly gay senator wed this weekend
5/ 4/2009:
Newspaper Story - The budget czar for Missouri's governor has a diverse background
5/ 4/2009:
Newspaper Story - $336 million in stimulus funding was revitalized in the House.
5/ 4/2009:
Radio Story - The Missouri House revived a bill Monday with a budget of over $350 million...with some major chunks going to St. Louis.
5/ 4/2009:
Newspaper Story - A proposal some Democrats criticize as being anti-unions passed the Missouri House.
5/ 4/2009:
Radio Story - More than a year in advance, House Democrats may hold early leadership elections.
5/ 2/2009:
Newspaper Story - The House Health Insurance Committee has released their changes to the Senate version of Show Me Health Care.
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