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December 2008 Stories
News summary for the week of December 15, 2008
Newspaper Story - Peter Kinder will be the sole Republican in Missouri's new executive branch; legislators discuss his role in tying together a Democratic-held administration and a Republican-majority Legislature
Newspaper Story - A feature on Republican views as to how Democrat Jay Nixon should govern as Missouri's next governor.
Newspaper Story - Missouri's budget issues might pose problems for interstate reconstruction.
Newspaper Story - If passed, several environment-friendly bills would bring about tax deductions
Newspaper Story - As the former attorney general prepares to take the office of governor, more Missourians are reporting consumer complaints.
Newspaper Story - Despite the gov.-elects stance against robocalls, the issue continues to split Missouri legislature
Newspaper Story - Budget shortfalls add a new element to Missouri's next health care proposal
Radio Story - With a new legislative session approaching and low-state funding, the Missouri Department of Transportation has no way to fund future projects. The Department, also known as MODOT, is putting Missourians in the driver's seat to choose a particular project.
Radio Story - 600 Missouri workers received an early Christmas present from Governor-elect Jay Nixon this week. this week.
Newspaper Story - Profiles of the incoming legislators serving Boone County and Columbia
Newspaper Story - While Missouri sperm counts were low in a recent study, a bill has been prefiled that would make infertility treatments a mandatory part of health care.
Radio Story - Peter Kinder enters his second term as Lt. Governor in the only statewide seat that went
Radio Story - Despite the declining economy, one Missouri Senator is sponsoring a bill to extend government funded health care.
Radio Story - A new ballot initiative petition related to banning affirmative action programs was approved by Secretary of State Robin Carnahan.
Newspaper Story - A brief on a Senate bill that would create the Business Premises Safety Act
Radio Story - A study signals concern for Columbia and the people of Missouri because it found the people have lower sperm counts than polluted cities
Radio Story - Missouri kids would start school sooner under a legislative proposal.
Radio Story - A Missouri representative introduced a bill to legalize immitation butter.
Radio Story - The Missouri electoral college made Missouri's vote for John McCain and Sarah Palin official today.
Radio Story - An MU official says his program will produce needed rural health workers.
News summary for the week of December 8, 2008
Newspaper Story - Gov.-Elect Nixon announces a plan to put all contracted license fees offices up for bid in January.
Radio Story - With the Missouri auto industry declining, a new Missouri government says new technologies will bring new infrastructure to the state.
Radio Story - Governor-elect Jay Nixon announced his plans to make Missouri license office's a more competitive operation and to end political patronage to fee licensing offices.
Radio Story - With the economy is recession consumer protection issues are an even bigger concern for Missourians this upcoming year.
Radio Story - More than 1,000 Missourians could be on their way to collect food stamps, one of the only things the Department of Social Services provides to those without children
Radio Story - A prefiled bill for the upcoming legislature could ban wireless cell phones while driving.
12/ 9/2008:
Radio Story - A letter containing white powder is intercepted on its way to the governor's office.
12/ 9/2008:
Newspaper Story - A profile on a Missouri family with biological, adopted, and foster children.
12/ 9/2008:
Radio Story - Letters with mysterious white powder inside were sent to 6 governors around the country and one of those letters was addressed to Gov. Matt Blunt right here in Missouri.
12/ 9/2008:
Radio Story - The letter sent to Gov. Blunt with a mysterious powder substance turns out to be harmless.
12/ 9/2008:
Radio Story - Missouri's Chief Environmental Officer says he can't see himself in Governor-Elect Nixon's Cabinet
12/ 8/2008:
Newspaper Story - A feature on job creation. As Gov.-Elect Jay Nixon prepares to take office in office in January, the economy continues to be an important issue in Missouri as more workers are let go and the Chrysler plant has shut down.
News summary for the week of December 1, 2008
12/ 8/2008:
Radio Story - Top leaders from both political parties play tug-of-war with ideas about how Governor-elect Jay Nixon should run his government differently come January.
12/ 8/2008:
Radio Story - Two Missouri State Agencies have different opinions on how to deal with the unemployment problem
12/ 8/2008:
Radio Story - Missouri rivers may end up dryer than you think if a bill banning certain types of alcohol and containers makes it through the legislature when the session starts up in January.
12/ 8/2008:
Radio Story - Missouri's lobbyists don't think upcoming legislature will affect their jobs.
12/ 5/2008:
Radio Story - The Commissioner of Administration disagrees with transition director Wayne Goode's budget shortfall estimate, saying his own prediction shows less of a deficit.
12/ 5/2008:
Newspaper Story - Nixon names 100 citizen advisers to help recruit applicants for his administration
12/ 4/2008:
Newspaper Story - Investigators are seeking fines against Missouri's outgoing governor for Sunshine Law violations.
12/ 4/2008:
Radio Story - Governor Blunt is still charged with violating the Sunshine law according to the updated lawsuit filed Thursday.
12/ 4/2008:
Radio Story - Senators discuss pros and cons of telephone company deregulation, and how it effects how much you pay for your phone service.
12/ 3/2008:
Radio Story - As tuition costs continue to rise state funding for higher education is an increasing concern for Missouri.
12/ 3/2008:
Newspaper Story - The governor-elect stated his proposal will make government more effective by reducing expenses and consolidating projects.
12/ 2/2008:
Newspaper Story - A feature on the problems Missouri farmers face in getting health care coverage.
12/ 2/2008:
Newspaper Story - Missouri's state budget faces a 340 million dollar shortfall this year
12/ 2/2008:
Radio Story - Secretary of State Robin Carnahan said there hasn't been any indication of a vote recount, but counties still have seven days to make a request.
12/ 2/2008:
Radio Story - One day after the U.S. economy was officially declared to be in a recession, a man by the name of Goode said the economy is as bad as it has ever been.
12/ 2/2008:
Radio Story - A Missouri Republican Senator says limiting campaign contributions is pointless, but House Democrats say this is a priority.
12/ 2/2008:
Radio Story - Chairman of the Missouri Public Service Commission Jeff Davis says the deregulation of the Missouri telephone industry leaves the future uncertain.
12/ 1/2008:
Newspaper Story - Several bills make a repeat appearance
12/ 1/2008:
Newspaper Story - Higher education funding is a major issue in Missouri's future
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