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NewsBook: Missouri Government News for the Week of September 26, 2005

. Democrats say Medicaid Reform Commission is ignoring the poor. (09/30/05)

JEFFERSON CITY - The commission moved scheduled meetings from rural Missouri to Jefferson City.

Democrats say the move silences poor rural Missourians, but Republicans say it is a neccessary time-saving measure.

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    . Missouri Seismic Safety Commission Has Not Met In Over A Year (09/29/05)

    JEFFERSON CITY - The Missouri Seismic Safety Commission has not met since September 2004 becasue they don't have the nine members needed to comprise a meeting.

    The commission is in charge of making recommendations on reducing earthquake hazard and to increase earthquake awareness and education.

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    . Treasurer may Exclude Family Planning Centers From Program (09/29/05)

    JEFFERSON CITY - Missouri State Treasurer Sarah Steelman says that she may exclude family planning centers from a state funded low interest loan program.

    The program gives banks money to provide low interest loans to small buisnesses and farmers in the state.

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    . Eminent Domain Debate Heats Up (09/29/05)

    JEFFERSON CITY - Governor Blunt's task force on eminent domain held a hearing in the Capitol.

    Changing the state's eminent domain laws would require a constitutional amendment.

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    . U.S. House Selects Missouri's Roy Blunt as Majority Leader (09/28/05)

    JEFFERSON CITY - Former Missouri Secretary of State and the Governor's father, Roy Blunt is now majority leader in the U.S. House. Blunt's promotion comes after a grand jury indicted Tom Delay on conspiracy charges.

    Governor Matt Blunt was unavailable for comment.

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    . Wildlife regulations could be easy to break (09/28/05)

    JEFFERSON CITY - Wildlife regulations state posessing wildlife out of season is breaking the law. Only native Missouri animals that are not endangered can be picked up.

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    . Medicare recipients will soon have options for privatized prescription drug coverage (09/28/05)

    JEFFERSON CITY - More than 800,000 Missourians who are over 65 or disabled will soon be faced with a multitude of options for privatized prescription durg coverage under Medicare.

    The Bush administration last week approved 10 insurers to provide nationwide coverage under Medicare Part D, the federal insurance program's first-ever prescription drug coverage program. Some companies will also administer state and regional plans. In Missouri, 15 companies have been approved to offer plans with the Medicare prescription drug benefit.

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    . Missouri Conservation Department adopts electronic game checking system (09/28/05)

    JEFFERSON CITY - Missouri hunters will shoot into the technological age this fall hunting season with the Missouri Conservation Department's end to the in-person game check in and the adoption of a new electronic system by phone or internet.

    Hunters are required to check their game by the Missouri Department of Conservation, in order to collect data on the numbers of deer and turkey taken for population management in the future.

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    . Top Public Educators Could Be Replaced (09/27/05)

    JEFFERSON CITY - Major educational organizations have voiced concern over the state review commissions proposal to make a Cabinet-level chief of public education a gubernatorial appointment.

    The recommendation will give the governor direct influence on public education.

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    . Missouri Highway Patrol Cautions Drivers After Recent Death Of Two Troopers. (09/27/05)

    JEFFERSON CITY - Since the Highway Patrol was founded in 1931, passing cars have killed six troopers who were making traffic stops along the highway.

    Three of those accidents have occurred since 2003, and two in a little over a month.

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    . Amidst a Sea of Post-Hurricane Scams, Only One Scam Reported to Start in Missouri (09/27/05)

    JEFFERSON CITY - The office of Missouri's Attorney General says only one fundraising scam was reported in Missouri.

    The lawsuit was against St. Louis-based Frank Weltner, who the Attorney General says is accociated with what is regarded as racist, anti-Semitc websites.

    The suit says money solicited under the guise of hurricane relief actually went to the websites Weltner was associated with.

    Otherwise, no hurricane scams are have been reported to originate in Missouri.

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    . Another judge blocks enforcement of Missouri's abortion law. (09/27/05)

    JEFFERSON CITY - A state judge has joined a federal court in blocking enforcement of a part of the abortion restrictions passed by the legislature's special session this summer.

    But the Jackson County circuit judge limited his order to the provision allowing a lawsuit against anyone who assisted a minor in having an abortion without parental permission.

    The federal order, issued Sept. 16, also blocked the provision requiring that a person performing an abortion have privilges at a hospital within 30 miles.