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Wildlife regulations could be easy to break

September 28, 2005
By: Kelly Snyder
State Capital Bureau

The next time your child picks up an animal, they could be breaking the law.

Kelly Snyder tells us more.

OutCue: SOC

A child might bring a bullfrog to school for show and tell.

But, if they pick up the bullfrog out of season, they are breaking the law.

Cooper County Conservation Agent Mike Abdon says there are consequences for picking up certain animals.

OutCue: be faced with a fine

It is a class A misemeanor to posess wildlife out of season or to posess it illegally so you could be faced with a fine.

Bullfrogs are among several animals that can only be legally hunted or captured with a permit and in specified seasons.

But Missouri Wildlife regulations say it is legal to posess up to five native Missouri animals that are not endangered.

Wildlife Center of Missouri Executive Director Cindy Bohnensteihl says their work doesn't break the law.

OutCue: care of that animal

Season doesn't have anything to do with us. An animal has been cited and we are allowed under our licensure to take care of that animal.

Bohnensteihl says the Wildlife Center is licensed by the Department of Conservation.