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NewsBook: Missouri Government News for Week of February 11, 2002


. The House Budget Committee chairman calls for further budget cuts. (02/14/02)
JEFFERSON CITY - The chairman of the House Budget Committee has ordered the House appropriations committees to impose cuts on agency spending even deeper than those recommended by Gov. Bob Holden.

Rep. Tim Green's order was in a Feb. 12 letter delivered to members of all the appropriations committees now working on the state's budget.

The Budget Committee, which Green chairs, oversees the work of seven appropriations committees that deal with various parts of the state's budget.

. The Senate Rules Committee puts off an investigation into the pro tem's chief of staff. (02/14/02)
JEFFERSON CITY - The Senate Rules Committee took no action after a Thursday hearing on a Democrat-sponsored resolution to investigate the financial affairs of the chief of staff of the Senate's president pro tem.

Democrats have charged a potential conflict of interest because David Barklage owns a consulting firm that has been paid $117,000 to help elect Republicans to the Senate.

At Thursday's hearing, Barklage's boss -- Senate President Pro Tem Peter Kinder -- made reference to other employees who sell Girl Scout cookies.

. Bills Would Institute Moment of Silence in Missouri Public Schools (2/14/02)
JEFFERSON CITY - Missouri public school children would have to observe a minute of silence in the state's public schools under a House bill.

Of the four bills dealing with a moment of silence, three of them state that the moment of silence is religious. The bills list meditation and prayer as "permissible activities."

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    . House Bill Hopes to Limit Payday Loans (02/13/02)
    JEFFERSON CITY - The Payday loan industry is under scrutiny by the Legislature for changing high interest rates to borrowers.

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    . Second Opinion Required for Cancer Diagnosis (02/13/02)
    JEFFERSON CITY - A person diagnosed with cancer may be able to recieve a second opinion from a specialist through a bill proposed by Senator Kinney.

    Under the bill, Missouri insurance companies would be responsible for covering the cost of persons seeing a specialist for confirmation of cancer.

    Senator Kinney says he has not heard any opposition to the bill, not even from the insurance companies.

    . House Civil Committee Considers Giving Adoptees Right to View Birth Certificate (02/13/02)
    JEFFERSON CITY - Supporters want the statehouse to open public records again and gain access to their birth information.

    Opponents say the bill would violate the privacy of birth parents which was promised at birth.

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    . Lambert Neighbors Will Have a Say in Airport Operations Under New Bill (02/13/02)
    JEFFERSON CITY - Senator Chuck Gross of St. Charles County introduced legislation which would put a state-run group in charge of Lambert International Airport operations.

    The Missouri-St. Louis Metropolitan Airport Authority would include representatives from St. Louis, St. Charles, Jefferson and Franklin counties, as well as St. Louis city.

    American Airlines and St. Louis mayor Francis Slay do not support the bill at this time.

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    . Salmonella Outbreak Won't Change State Health Policies (02/12/02)
    JEFFERSON CITY - A salmonella outbreak in St. Louis county won't cause changes in state health policies.

    Sen. Betty Sims praised county officials for their swift reaction to the contamination.

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    . Bill to Reduce Censorship in High School Newspapers (02/12/02)
    JEFFERSON CITY - High School newspapers could be censor-free, under a bill facing the House.

    Under the proposal, only content considered obscene, defamatory or potentially dangerous would need to be reviewed.

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    . Concealed Weapons Will Again Be an Issue (02/12/02)
    JEFFERSON CITY - A bill that would allow Missourians to carry concealed weapons is being pushed through the state Legislature again this year.

    Almost three years ago, a similar bill failed in a statewide referendum, but new bills would bypass the voters.

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    . St. Louis Mayor Pushes Cardinals Stadium Plan (02/12/02)
    JEFFERSON CITY - St. Louis Mayor Francis Slay pushed for $100 million in state money toward a new downtown ballpark for the St. Louis Cardinals.

    The plan would authorize putting money toward a $646 million plan that supporters say would help revitalize downtown.

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    . Family Leave Act Will Save Money, Say Republicans (02/12/02)
    JEFFERSON CITY - The federal Family Leave Act, now in the Missouri House, will save companies money, say Republicans.

    According to Rep. Byrd, the Family Leave Act will save companies the training costs of hiring new employees.

    The bill proposes that state employees could receive unpaid leave and still keep their jobs.

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    . Schools to Get Smaller Increase Under House Plan (02/12/02)
    JEFFERSON CITY - Missouri schools would get a smaller budget increase next year, but a bigger funding boost in two years under a budget-crisis plan approved by a House committee Tuesday.

    The change would mean that the state's public schools would get $45 million less funds than under the current formula.

    Rep. Chuck Graham, D-Columbia, said because funding is based on property values, the state is faced with a big jump every two years following county reassessments. Under his plan, jumps would be averaged over two years.

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    . Lawmakers Push for Seatbelt Enforcement (2/12/02)
    JEFFERSON CITY - Driving without a seatbelt could be grounds for a police officer to be pulled over in a measure presented to the Senate Judiciary Committee Tuesday.

    Witnesses testified that making more adults wear seat belts would result in more children wearing belts.

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    . Representative Wants Equal Pay in Work Force (02/12/02)
    JEFFERSON CITY - A bill in the House would make employers pay equal wages to men and women in work requiring equal skill, effort and responsibility.

    Rep. Joan Bray, D-St. Louis County, is sponsering the bill.

    . Senate Transportation Committee Approves Funding Package (02/12/02)
    JEFFERSON CITY - The Senate Transportation Committee approved a bill that would raise fuel taxes by 6 cents and the general sales tax by three-eighths percent if approved by the state Legislature.

    If approved by both houses, voters would have the final say on the package this August.

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    . House Approves Plan To Make School Bonds Easier to Pass (02/11/02)
    JEFFERSON CITY - Missouri's House gave first-round approval to a constitutional amendment that would lower the size of the vote required to pass a school bond issue to a simple majority.

    The proposal faces one more vote in the House before going to the Senate. If passed by the Legislature, it would be subject to statewide voter approval.

    Currently, a school bond issue requires a four-sevenths majority on major election ballots and two-thirds during other election times.

    . Senate Derails Democrat Effort to Investigate Kinder's Aide (02/11/02)
    JEFFERSON CITY - By a straight party-line vote, the Senate put off a vote on a resolution to investigate the top aide of Senate President Pro Tem Peter Kinder.

    Democrats in the Senate called for an investigation of David Barklage, Kinder's chief of staff for possibly receiving money from the GOP's Senate Majority Fund, but the Senate passed a substitute motion referring the issue to the Rules Committee.

    Kinder defended Barklage, saying he had consulted the Ethics Commission about the issue before taking the job in the Senate.

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    . Lt. Gov. Urges Supplemental Funds for Prescription Drug Program (02/11/02)
    JEFFERSON CITY - No money means no prescription drug program for seniors. That's the message Lt. Gov. Joe Maxwell gave to state lawmakers Monday as he pushed for $4.9 million in supplemental funds.

    Maxwell said he became aware of "misinformation and confusion" among lawmakers last week when negotiations between legislators and the commission overseeing the drug program became serious.

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    . "State Employees Bill of Rights" Legislation Introduced (02/11/02)
    JEFFERSON CITY - House Minority Leader Catherine Hanaway announced that Republicans have filed four bills to benefit state employees.

    The bills bring employees under the umbrella of the federal Family and Medical Leave Act and prevent unauthorized paycheck deductions. In the bills, Republicans also encourage state employees to supply their own cost-saving tips.

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