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NewsBook: Missouri Government News for Week of September 17, 2001


. Planes remain grounded, but business still runs smooth (09/21/01)
JEFFERSON CITY - Hundreds of noncommercial planes are still grounded, but local agencies say that they are still functioning well.

Although it may require eliminating some procedures or an excess of time to do normal acts, the public should not worry.

. A little more than a week after one of the bloodiest terrorist attacks in our nation's history, Missouri National Guard got a new leader. (09/20/01)
JEFFERSON CITY - Gov. Bob Holden has appointed Colonel Dennis Shull, the current chief of staff of the Missouri National Guard, to the guard's adjuntant general.

Holden's nomination will be subject to Senate confirmation.

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    . Missouri's auditor criticizes the Highways Department. (09/20/01)
    JEFFERSON CITY - Missouri's State Auditor released a report charging the Highways Department with inadequate mangement tools to evaluate one of its highway-construction programs.

    The audit found that the department did not have a system to allow adequate evaluation of its five-year construction program.

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    . Airline layoffs could pose economic threat to state budget (09/20/01)
    JEFFERSON CITY - An announcement by American Airlines Wednesday that stated that 20,000 of its employees will be laid off may have an economic impact on Missouri.

    It is unclear whether St. Louis, where American-owned airline TWA is based, will experience any cuts.

    Gov. Bob Holden said that any curtailment of the airline industry would threaten both the state and the region economically.

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    . Second Democratic no-show to committee on collective bargaining angers GOP senators (09/20/01)
    JEFFERSON CITY - GOP senators voiced anger over the second Democratic no-show to the committee on collective bargaining, which was discussing the issue of union fees being applied to non-union employees of the state.

    An administration official did give testimony on the governor's use of executive order -- one of many controversies surrounding the issue -- but several key questions went unanswered.

    GOP senator Larry Rohrbach was critical of the testimony, and said that Democrats were acting as "puppets on a string for the governor."

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    . Employees at St. Louis-Lambert Airport will not be affected by Boeing layoffs. (09/19/01)
    JEFFERSON CITY - The Boeing Corporation announced it will layoff an estimated 30,000 workers nationwide on Wednesday.

    None of the workers however will be from the Lambert-St. Louis International Airport which serves as the headquarters for the company's military aircraft system.

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    . Possible layoffs in St. Louis may put a heavy load on Social Services. (09/19/01)
    JEFFERSON CITY - American Airlines is considering layoffs in St. Louis.

    After last week's terrorists attacks, more than 13 thousand people could be unemployed.

    Brian Long, the deputy commisioner for the Division of Budget and Planning, says this could tax Social Services' funds.

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    . Attorney General demands fines from price gouging gas stations (09/19/01)
    JEFFERSON CITY - Attorney General Jay Nixon demanded fine payments from gas stations who substantially increased prices Sept. 11.

    If the gas stations do not pay the fines by Oct. 1, they face law suits from the state.

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    . Draft Not Necessary, Says Congressman Skelton (09/18/01)
    JEFFERSON CITY - The only Missouri member of the House Armed Services Committee said Tuesday the state's draft-age men may not be called to action to fight a war on terrorism.

    Skelton made his comments at a news conference in Jefferson City.

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    . Holden cuts back on flying (09/18/01)
    JEFFERSON CITY - Holden is not flying as much as he used to, but its not because of terrorist attacks.

    In June, the Associated Press reported that Holden was flying almost every other day. But now, he must cut back because of the budget, says Jerry Nachtigal.

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    . State retirement fund affected by Monday's stock market downturn. (09/17/01)
    JEFFERSON CITY - The pension fund for Missouri state employees was affected by Monday's stock market downturn, but state officials expressed confidence in the market.

    The state invests over $4 billion in the stock market to help state employees save for retirement.

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    . State Employees Spend Too Much on Food, Auditor Says (09/17/01)
    JEFFERSON CITY - Missouri State Auditor Claire McCaskill said state employees spent $10.6 million on food over the last two years. Many times state employees organize meetings during meal times to have the state pick up the tab.

    McCaskill also spoke about employee use of state cellular phones. Bills for several phones went unquestioned and the state is often not reimbursed for personal calls.

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