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U.S. Representative Ike Skelton holds press conference on terrorism

September 18, 2001
By: Sara Lane
State Capital Bureau

This is Sara Lane, reporting from Jefferson City.

In a Tuesday morning press conference District 4 Congressman Ike Skelton said the U-S military needs more support to fight a war against terrorism.

Contents: Representative Skelton - There will be an attempt to increase the size of the military budget.

But, Skelton says the military is ready despite the lack of money.

Contents: Representative Skelton - There is a list of 32.4 billion dollars of unfunded requirements, but never doubt that our military's up to the task.

Sara Lane, Missouri Capital Caucus

This is Sara Lane, reporting from Jefferson City.

In a press conference Tuesday morning, U.S. Congressman Ike Skelton urged Missourians to return to regular life after last week's terrorist attacks.

Contents: Representative Skelton - The greatest memorial that we can offer the victims of this attack is to go on being Americans. We must not give victory to our tormentors by living in fear.

Skelton also said the coming war on terrorism may be a long conflict and Americans should be patient.

Contents: Representative Skelton - It may take months, it may take years, but if the American people will be steadfast, we will eventually win.

Sara Lane, Missouri Capital Caucus.

This is Sara Lane, reporting from Jefferson City.

U-S Congressman Ike Skelton says he has been concerned about terrorism for years.

Skelton is the highest ranking Democrat on the House Armed Services Committee

He says he introduced a bill in March to deal with the terrorist threat.

Skelton's bill includes measures to develop national anti-terrorist strategies and to place a single government official in charge of what he calls "homeland security."

And Skelton says the General Accounting Office will release a report Thursday on federal preparation for terrorism.

But he's not sure what action Congress will take.

Contents: I don't know if my legislation will be used by Congress, but we will continue to work together on these issues.

Sara Lane, Missouri Capital Caucus.

This is Sara Lane reporting from Jefferson City.

U-S Representative Ike Skelton says there will be no military draft and most young men in Missouri will not be sent overseas.

Skelton says Missouri will have to commit some military personnel to the war on terrorism, but not many.

Contents: There is authorization for 35,000 guardsmen in reserve. There will be guardsmen from across the country, including Missouri.

Skelton also says he does not anticipate re-activation of the draft because that many people will not be needed.

Contents: This is not a force-on-force conflict, it is an intelligence conflict.

Sara Lane, Missouri Capital Caucus.