Gun control group: 85% of Missourians favor background checks
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Gun control group: 85% of Missourians favor background checks

Date: March 5, 2013
By: Alexander Mallin
State Capitol Bureau
Links: HB 170, HB 633, HB 187

A New York-based gun control group says that 85% of Missourians favor mandatory background checks for gun buyers, but some Missouri lawmakers are standing their ground.
RunTime:  0:36
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: The group, "Mayors Against Illegal Guns", says in a poll that 40 percent of gun sales are done by unlicensed dealers.

Democratic Representative Stacey Newman says she wants that to stop. She says Republicans in the state capitol would be going against voters by weakening state gun laws. 

Actuality:  NEWMA2.WAV
Run Time:  00:09
Description: "This is a common sense method of keeping guns out of the hands of people who shouldn't be legally able to purchase them."
But several House Republicans say they will still oppose any measure that seeks to restrict Missourians' ability to buy guns.

Reporting from the state capitol, I'm Alex Mallin.

Missouri Republicans say they reject any measure restricting gun access, but a new poll by a New York-based gun control group says that 85% of Missourians favor mandatory background checks.
RunTime:  0:44
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: The group, "Mayors Against Illegal Guns", says in a poll that 40 percent of gun sales are done by unlicensed dealers.

Several Democratic lawmakers are pushing legislation that would tighten laws on background checks.

But Republican Representative Casey Guernsey says implementing background checks would be a distraction from issues like mental health and safety in schools.

Actuality:  GUERN.WAV
Run Time:  00:13
Description: "Because the other side of this issue from me are so bent on focusing on gun control as the solution to everything that you're having to focus in on again protecting our fundamental second amendment rights."
There have been more than 20 bills filed this session in the Missouri state house that deal with gun laws.

Reporting from the state capitol, I'm Alex Mallin.