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September 1997 Stories
Radio Story - Grocery shoppers expecting to pay no sales tax will get to the register needing a few more nickels and dimes.
Radio Story - Some grocery items are not eligible for the new sales tax cut.
News summary for the week of Sept. 22, 1997.
Radio Story - Despite all the political rhetoric about partial-birth abortions, none have ever been reported in Missouri, according to the Health Department.
Newspaper Story - Democrats help build houses for the low income.
Radio Story - Monarch butterflies are on their way to Mexico...but they're sweeping across St. Louis first.
Radio Story - Quail numbers are up, and that's good news for Missouri hunters.
Radio Story - A new forest management plan helps Missourians know which forests are for recreational activities.
News summary for the week of Sept. 15, 1997.
Newspaper Story - Missouri's Insurance Department offers help to Holocaust survivors.
Newspaper Story - House leaders to try again Friday to get House approval of the package of tax breaks for developers.
Radio Story - A debate concerning the legislature's power over administrative rules slowed down progress of the economic development bill.
Radio Story - Holocaust survivors, their families, and heirs may now be able to collect billions of dollars in old insurance claims.
Radio Story - Black Caucus members get promises in return for support for the economic-development, business tax-break bill.
Radio Story - The House voted down, at least initially, the economic development package of tax cuts for developers.
Newspaper Story - Health coverage requirement stripped from the legislature's tax-break, economic development bill.
Radio Story - St. Louis has highest rate of uninsured in Missouri. A quarter of a million state-wide do not have car insurance.
Newspaper Story - Missouri's Insurance Department reports there are more than 250,000 uninsured vehicles in the state.
Radio Story - A top Missouri business organization is opposing a health insurance requirement the House stuck onto an economic development bill.
News summary for the week of Sept. 8, 1997.
Radio Story - Senator Kinder introduced partial-birth legislation identical to that vetoed by Governor Carnahan in July
Radio Story - Two new abortion bills, with opposing perspectives, are introduced into the Senate
Radio Story - The lone Republican who voted against the partial-birth abortion over-ride has the support of the party leader.
Newspaper Story - Anti-abortion forces call for a delay on abortion legislation while the governor calls for action in the special session.
Radio Story - The sponser of the vetoed partial-birth abortion bill says he wants to go home and leave the issue for next session.
Radio Story - Governor Carnahan may in effect be sending a dead bill on partial-birth abortion to lawmakers. Senate Minority Leader sees it as a possible reason to adjourn session.
Radio Story - The Missouri Senate sustains the governor's veto of the partial-birth abortion bill.
Newspaper Story - The governor adds partial-birth abortion to the legislature's special session.
9/ 9/1997:
Radio Story - The top senate leader of the democrat party says he will vote to over-ride the governor's partial-birth abortion veto.
9/ 9/1997:
Radio Story - The economic development bill considered in the senate creates a St. Louis sports commission.
9/ 9/1997:
Radio Story - The economic bill before Missouri's Senate includes tax credits to help fix historic structures.
9/ 9/1997:
Radio Story - A Texas company told a governmental advisory group it wants to compete with Missouri's electricity providers.
9/ 9/1997:
Newspaper Story - Enforcement of the deadbeat parent law is delayed by the state Social Services Department.
9/ 5/1997:
News summary for the week of Sept. 1, 1997.
9/ 4/1997:
Radio Story - Customizing your telephone number with catchy endings could become possible, but at a cost in Jefferson City.
9/ 4/1997:
Radio Story - The special legislative session called by Governor Carnahan will focus on two primary issues
9/ 4/1997:
Radio Story - A concensus on partial-birth abortion must be reached before the issue will be added to the legislative agenda
9/ 4/1997:
Radio Story - Sponsor of partial birth abortion bill wants to override Governor Carnahan's veto.
9/ 4/1997:
Radio Story - State funds send nine legislators to Hawaii. Speaker Gaw pays his own way.
9/ 2/1997:
Radio Story - Missouri, unlike France, does not have bystander emergency intervention legislation.
9/ 2/1997:
Radio Story - The recent suicides of two Saint Louis men have prompted the chairman of the House Critical Issues Committee to launch an investigation.
9/ 2/1997:
Newspaper Story - Missouri would pay for James Earl Ray's liver transplant if he's released from Tennessee prison.
9/ 2/1997:
Radio Story - The state's child support enforcement agency delays new dead-beat parent penalties
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