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McKenna to vote for over-ride

September 9, 1997
By: Jennifer Sheffield
State Capital Bureau

The top Senate leader says he will vote to over-ride the governor's partial-birth abortion veto.

Jennifer Sheffield has the story in Jefferson City.

OutCue: SOC

Although several senate democrat leaders remain tight-lipped, Bill McKenna, President Pro Tem, says he will stay consistent with his original vote and support the over-ride.

McKenna's vote will be one of 23 necessary to pass the over-ride.

Meanwhile, Senate Democrat Leader, Ed Quick, who claims he has not yet decided his vote, says predicting the outcome is impossible.

Actuality:Senator Ed Quick
Contents: He says he hopes that debate is not too heated, and that no one can predict the vote.

A pro-life rally scheduled before the session begins will try to pursuad the undecided.

I'm Jennifer Sheffield in Jefferson City.