House debate on China Hub sparks Senate reaction.
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House debate on China Hub sparks Senate reaction.

Date: October 6, 2011
By: Stacey Kafka
State Capitol Bureau

While the Missouri House debates the controversial China Hub bill, one state senator says some changes to the bill could prevent it from passing in the Senate.
RunTime:  0:35
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: St. Louis Senator Jim Lembke says without sunsets, this bill will die in the Senate.

Actuality:  LEM4.WAV
Run Time:  00:06
Description: "Are we going to pick up and pass a bill that the house sends over that doesn't include sunsets? No."

While the House debated the bill on the floor,  Speaker Steve Tilley says they just want a bill that both sides will agree on.

Actuality:  TILLEY1.WAV
Run Time:  00:04
Description: "I mean, we're trying to craft a bill that the Senate will take up and pass."

Since the House and Senate passed different versions of the bill, the Senate will either have to come back to Jefferson City or conference with the House.

Reporting from the state Capitol, I’m Stacey Kafka.

Although the controversial China Hub bill was passed by the House, one Senate leader is unsure of how the Senate will deal with changes made to the bill.
RunTime:  0:48
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: The Senate majority floor leader says he will wait and see where this bill goes before making plans for the Senate, but St. Louis senator Jim Lembke says changes to this bill could jeopardize it's future.

Actuality:  LEM2.WAV
Run Time:  00:12
Description: "If a bill comes out of the house and it doesn't include sunsets on low income and historics, I don't give that bill much hope in the Senate."

Franklin County Representative Paul Curtman agrees that some amendments should not be added.

Actuality:  STACEY1.WAV
Run Time:  00:06
Description: "I think it's bad policy to pick and choose who we want to help succeed because then a lot of politics get involved."

Since the bills passed by the House and Senate are different they will either conference the bill or the entire Senate will have to come back to Jefferson City.

Reporting from the state Capitol, I’m Stacey Kafka.

Missouri House changes to the controversial China Hub bill gives the Senate two options. Calling back all senators to Jefferson City or conferencing with the House.
RunTime:  0:43
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap:  Senate Majority Floor Leader Tom Dempsey says the Senate and House could conference the bill to avoid bringing the entire Senate back before a deal is reached.

Actuality:  DEMPSEY1.WAV
Run Time:  00:10
Description: We're waiting to see what the House does and if they are to pass a bill what it looks like, prior to us deciding how to proceed."

House Speaker Steve Tilley says the House isn't completely objected to conferencing, but it is not the ideal situation.

Actuality:  TILL1.WAV
Run Time:  00:06
Description: "Our goal was not to go into conference because it just extends the special session a few more days, but we haven't ruled anything out yet."

Since the versions of the bill passed by the House and Senate are different, the Senate will decide their next step on Tuesday.

Reporting from the state Capitol, I'm Stacey Kafka.