Local and state law enforcement may play a larger role in the crack down on illegal immigrants.
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Local and state law enforcement may play a larger role in the crack down on illegal immigrants.

Date: February 6, 2007
By: Sam Wappelhorst
State Capitol Bureau
Links: SB348

Intro: Senators Chris Koster and Tim Green held a news conference on Tuesday concerning a new illegal immigration policy for the state of Missouri.  Sam Wappelhorst (WAH-pull-horse-t) has more from the capitol.

Missouri law enforcement officers could soon be more active in cracking down on illegal immigrants.

A bipartisan bill in the senate would force state and local law enforcement agencies work hand in hand with Immigration and Customs Enforcement offices. 

Western Missouri Senator Chris Koster says that the Immigration and Customs Enforcement offices should not be a problem.

Actuality:  KOST1.WAV
Run Time: 00:15
Description: "The myth on the street that Immigration and Customs Enforcement is not doing anything or will not respond to these inquiries, is either flat out wrong or a myth that exists out of the past when the organization was known as Immigration and Natural Resources."
"Missouri's Omnibus Immigration Act," sponsored by Democratic Senator Tim Green of St.Louis and Senator Koster, would be the most encompassing illegal immigration policy in the nation.
The bipartisan bill would also deny illegal immigrants jobs, housing, higher education, and access to non-emergency welfare benefits. 
From Jefferson City, I'm Sam Wappelhorst.

Intro: Bipartisan Senators held a news conference on Tuesday concerning changes to Missouri's illegal immigration policy. Sam Wappelhorst (WAH-pull-horse-t) has more from the state capitol.

Bipartisan legislation proposed to change Missouri's illegal immigration policy would be the strictest of its kind in the nation.

Republican Senator Chris Koster says that the state cannot wait for the federal government to enact a plan to deal with illegal immigration. 

Actuality:  KOST3.WAV
Run Time: 00:20
Description: "Everytime illegal immigration is raised, government officials pund the table for a solution.  Everytime a solution is proposed, government officials dive under the table for cover.  This time will be no different.  But a solution is now available, and our path forward is clear.  We should be bold.  We should act."
The bill would call for state and local law enforcement officers to play a more active role in cracking down on illegal immigration.
Democratic Senator Jolie (Joe-Lee) Justus of the Kansas City area is opposed to the legislation.  She believes that immigration should be enforced federally, not by local law enforcement agencies.
From Jefferson City, I'm Sam Wappelhorst.