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February 2007 Stories
Newspaper Story - The House gave initial approval today to a bill that would ban illegals from attending the state's colleges and universities, but Democrats say it could result in funds being cut from schools
Newspaper Story - Missouri's Senate votes to let pharmacists give flu vaccinations.
Radio Story - The state Education Board awaits the 5 o'clock deadline for the Saint Louis school system to hand in new evidence that would allow the system to keep its accredidation
Radio Story - State Auditor Susan Montee calls for full audit of department of agriculture
Newspaper Story - Two female statewide officials questioned the governor's handling of a sexual harassment case in his administration.
Radio Story - Heated debate rose in the Senate during the discussion of a bill that would modify laws on the use of force. Some senators say the bill focuses on the power of aggression in society.
Newspaper Story - Democrats are asking for an investigation into the Governor's actions following allegations of sexual harassment in the Agriculture Department,
Newspaper Story - Under a house bill, alcohol vaporizers, which turn alcohol into mist so it can be inhaled, would be outlawed
Radio Story - Democrat Senator Joan Bray admits her disgust at the way Governor Blunt handled the sexual harrassment case in the Department of Agriculture.
Radio Story - Republican representative Jane Cunningham said she disagrees with what some women call sexual harassment. She said she supports the governor in his decision regarding the employment of the director of the Department of Agriculture after being investigated for sexual harassment. Fanna (Fauna) Haile-Selassie (High-lay-suh-lah-say) got Cunningham's response.
Newspaper Story - Fred Ferrell resigned Monday, apparently at the request of the governor.
News summary for the week of February 19, 2007
Newspaper Story - The Conservation Department will ban the use of lead shot on 21 of its hunting grounds beginning March 1
Radio Story - Top ranking State Republicans proposed a new healthcare bill Thursday that would replace Medicaid.
Newspaper Story - Sen. Charlie Shields proposed a bill today to replace Missouri's Medicaid program
Newspaper Story - The House gave final approval to cut retirement benefit taxes, but the plan is facing revision as it moves to the Senate
Newspaper Story - A bill that would create a rating system for early childhood development was stalled Wednesday when senators tried to tack other amendments onto the bill
Radio Story - A bill in the Missouri Senate will implement a five star ratings system for child care providers.
Newspaper Story - Missouri state senators seek to make sex offender registry retroactive
Newspaper Story - Law would require physicians offer anesthesia
Radio Story - New report shows voucher proponents voted to cut healthcare to low income children.
Newspaper Story - A bill that would outlaw owning lions and other exotic animals was discussed today in a Senate committee
Newspaper Story - Group calls for legislators to hault death penalty
Newspaper Story - A senator's bill would charge companies that transport radioactive waste across the state
Radio Story - Supporters of a moritorium on the Death Penalty gathered at the Capitol Tuesday to show their support of a new bill which would ban all executions until 2011.
Radio Story - A bill requiring solicitors using automated messaging to adhere to Missouri's do-not-call list was approved by the state senate Tuesday/
Radio Story - Abortion rights activists held press conference to push legislation for women's rights in contraception
Radio Story - The House of Representatives overwhelming approved two bills to the Senate that would prevent criminal charges for anyone who killed an unwanted intruder in the home. Fanna (Fauna) Haile-Selassie (high-lay-suh-lah-say) was in the House Chamber for the vote.
Newspaper Story - By a 143-4 margin, the House has voted to broaden and clarify the use of defensive force in Missouri
Newspaper Story - A major proponet of the governor's plan to sell some of the assets of MOHELA to fund higher education buildings retracted his support for the plan late Monday.
Radio Story - The House Democratic Leader sent a letter to the governor voicing his disapproval of the sale.
News summary for the week of February 12, 2007
Newspaper Story - Local governments would be blocked from regulating large farm operations under a measure before Missouri's legislature.
Newspaper Story - Two bills would call for the state to inspect all high hazard and significant hazard dams in Missouri
Newspaper Story - House gives preliminary approval to Social Security tax cuts, including amendments that expand it to capital gains and interest
Newspaper Story - UM System President Elson Floyd wants to keep medical research out of any building construction with funds from the proposed MOHELA sale
Radio Story - St. Louis Teachers and Students came to Jefferson City Thursday to protest the possible state takeover of the city's schools.
Newspaper Story - Democrats seek to establish a grant to provide funding for urban police departments for use in high speed chases.
Radio Story - Committee questions response of utility companies in ice storms (FOR MISSY)
Newspaper Story - Sen. Gary Nodler, R-Joplin, presented a substitute Wednesday that adds in buildings that were previously removed
Newspaper Story - Testimony heard on bill to legalize midwifery
Radio Story - Legislators had their questions finally answered by AmerenUE, mainly the question,
Radio Story - House debates new bill for Ticket to Work program
Radio Story - The Governor is in Mexico promoting Smartport, a transportation company linking Kansas City and Mexico, that has monetary ties to his election campaign
Newspaper Story - The Senate Judiciary Committee heard two lethal force bills on Monday night
Radio Story - The bills would allow Missourians to kill anyone breaking into their home or car.
News summary for the week of February 5, 2007
2/ 8/2007:
Radio Story - Missouri lawmakers have an opportunity to get close to the World Series trophy at the Capitol Thusday
2/ 8/2007:
Newspaper Story - The legislative sponsor of the state's school funding law defended his proposal in court Thursday.
2/ 7/2007:
Newspaper Story - A proposal to raise business tax cuts received strong support in Senate committee today
2/ 7/2007:
Newspaper Story - Tax incentive would encourage Missourians to buy long-term care insurance.
2/ 7/2007:
Radio Story - The Senate Education Committee approves a reduced version of the governor's plan to use college loan program assets for building construction projects.
2/ 7/2007:
Radio Story - Missouri's governor continues to support constuction of college buildings eliminated by the Senate Education Committee.
2/ 7/2007:
Newspaper Story - Governor's plan for MOHELA sell passes the education committee, but 6 of projects that might include any stem-cell research ight not receive funding
2/ 6/2007:
Radio Story - St. Louis County Democratic Representative John Bowman returned to the state Capitol Thursday for the first time since being indicted for bank and credit fraud
2/ 6/2007:
Radio Story - Representative John Bowman declined to comment on his indictment Thursday although many questioned his future role on Missouri's Powerful State Budget Committee.
2/ 6/2007:
Newspaper Story - A Senate bill proposes to increase competition among video service providers by creating state-issued franchises
2/ 6/2007:
Newspaper Story - A resolution that would ban somatic cell nuclear transfer was debated in a House committee today
2/ 6/2007:
Radio Story - Senators Chris Koster and Tim Green held a news conference on Tuesday concerning a new illegal immigration policy for the state of Missouri.
2/ 6/2007:
Radio Story - The House Health Committee heard testimony on a bill to undo provisions of the stem cell research amendment approved by voters in November.
2/ 6/2007:
Radio Story - The Missouri House passed a bill today which toughens the penalties for those convicted of medicaid fraud and abuse
2/ 5/2007:
Radio Story - Legislators held a press conference Monday to outline demands for Ameren UE in the Taum Sauk disaster.
2/ 5/2007:
Newspaper Story - Senator proposes statewide licensing for private investigators
2/ 5/2007:
Radio Story - There is a proposal for a better preschool program for families below the poverty level.
2/ 4/2007:
News summary for the week of January 29, 2007
2/ 2/2007:
Newspaper Story - Missouri's Transportation Department is pursuing a sweeping, single-contract to protect all of it's bridges for the next quarter of a century.
2/ 1/2007:
Newspaper Story - Legislators passed the bar back and forth about the role a recently indicted house member will play on the powerful budget committee
2/ 1/2007:
Newspaper Story - Gift certificate expirations would be prohibited under proposed bills
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