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Kinder slams Holden for failing to address important economic issues at Jobs Summit

March 3, 2003
By: Elizabeth Gill
State Capital Bureau

Senate president pro-tem Peter Kinder says Governor Holden's Jobs Summit missed the mark. Elizabeth Gill reports:

OutCue: SOC

Kinder says Holden failed to address the most important economic issues facing business owners at his Jobs Summit on Monday.

He says the needs and concerns of business owners and employees were overlooked, in part because more than half of the people at the summit were government officials.

Kinder said the summit should have included more representation from the private sector:

RunTime: :13
Contents: "In a job creation strategy summit, it seems to me there ought to be more entreprenureal heroes from the private sector who actually know something about creating jobs.

Kinder says the Governor neglected issues like workers compensation and lawsuit liability.

Holden says workers compensation and lawsuit liability are political issues, not business issues.

From the state capital, I'm Elizabeth Gill.