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Department of Social Services, Education react to House budget plan

March 12, 2003
By: Elizabeth Gill
State Capital Bureau

The Department of Education says the House budget plan could mean layoffs for teachers. Elizabeth Gill reports.

OutCue: SOC

The House budget plan for 2004 reflects more than a quarter of a billion dollars in cuts to the department of elementary and secondary education.

Department spokesman Jim Morris says if the cuts are made, one goal will be to minimize the impact on classroom instruction.

But Morris says teacher cuts may be neccesary:

RunTime: :17
Contents: "A reduction of this magnatude, if it holds, would cerainly mean reductions in aid to many school districts, which I think inevitable would transfer into few teachers in some school districts."

Morris says the department is still waiting for the plan to reach the Senate before making any decisions.

From the state capital, I'm Elizabeth Gill, KMOX news.

Date: March 12, 2003

By: Elizabeth Gill

State Capital Bureau

The Department of Social Services calls the House budget plan insuffucient for its needs. Elizabeth Gill reports:

The House released a 2004 budget plan that shows a year to year general revenue increase for the Department of Social Services.

But associate director of social services Chris Rackers says the House budget is almost 100 million dollars less than the Governor's recommendation for the department.

Rackers says the House budget plan would not support all state mandated programs:

Contents: "The house plan is insufficient to maintain our programs as manadated by law, as passed by the legislators.

Rackers says if the proposed budget holds, cuts could affect access to health care for seniors, disabled children and foster care services.

From the state capital, I'm Elizabeth Gill, KMOX news.