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October 1999 Stories
News summary for the week of Oct. 25, 1999.
Radio Story - Joe Carmichael, chairman of Missouri's Democratic Committee, has proposed an agreement to clean-up the upcoming U.S. Senate race.
Newspaper Story - The state-appointed attorney is asking for a judgement bans Planned Parenthood for reciveing family planning money.
Radio Story - Democrat Bob Holden and Republican Jim Talent have accepted donations that exceed the old Missouri limit of $1,075.
Radio Story - Donald Trump's recent comments about Pat Buchanan are not supported by Missouri's Reform Party.
Radio Story - Missouri will adopt several new resturant health codes at midnight on Saturday, October 30th. The state has not updated its codes since 1976. The codes will focus on safety in food preparation. The estimated costs for resturants to implement the new codes is 1/3 of a cent per meal.
Newspaper Story - The annual Mansion SPOOKtacular, hosted by Gov. Mel Carnahan, will take place Wednesday night at the Governor's Mansion
Radio Story - Judge Thomas Brown of Cole County has been advised to reject the proposed settlement that would create a multimillion dollar foundation for those in need of health care.
Radio Story - Governor and Mrs. Carnahan are hosting a "Spooktacular" open to the public, free of charge.
Radio Story - Citizens Against Rape and Domestic Violence spokesman says Missourians need to be educated about domestic violence in order to prevent it.
Radio Story - Missouri's governor apologizes for appearing in a black minstrel show nearly 40 years ago.
Newspaper Story - The two major party candidates for governor are raking in the big bucks while the U.S. Supreme Court considers a challenge to a state law that limits the size of contributions.
Newspaper Story - A red-faced Missouri Gov. Mel Carnahan apologized Monday for participating in a minstrel show almost 40 years ago.
News summary for the week of Oct. 18, 1999.
Newspaper Story - Gov. Mel Carnahan said this week that preschool helps better prepare students, especially from lower income families, for kindergarten
Radio Story - The Missouri Department of Education voted to accredidate St. Louis City schools through the 2001-2002 school year.
Radio Story - The state Board of Education voted to strip accredition for Kansas City's school district.
Radio Story - The Missouri Department for Higher Educations is giving all high school seniors a free copy of Life 101 magazine.
Radio Story - Some of Missouri's women legislators praised Dole today for her courage and wisdom for attempting to run for presidential nomination and her exit today.
Newspaper Story - Missouri women lawmakers said Wednesday was a positive day for women in politics despite Elizabeth Dole's announcement that she was dropping out of the presidential race.
Radio Story - A federal agency says the leading cause of truck accidents is driver inattention of the car driver, not of the truck driver.
Radio Story - The Joint Committee on Term Limits listened to a witness testify all the way from Lansing, Michigan using the new technology. It was the first time a Missouri legislative committee used the technology.
Radio Story - Debates from both the House and the Senate will be available live on the internet using RealAudio technology.
Radio Story - The latest Consumer Confidence Report on Missouri's water system says that the state provides some of the cleanest water in the nation. Darrell Osterhoudt, head of the state's Public Water Program, says that few problems cropped up this year.
Newspaper Story - Lawmakers in Missouri were able to see and talk with a legislator in Michigan who testified about term limit affects.
Radio Story - Associated Industries of Missouri says the federal lawsuit against the tobacco industry is an abuse of political power. The group expresses concern about the precedent the case may set.
News summary for the week of Oct. 11, 1999.
Newspaper Story - Missouri obtained a waiver that allowed it not to drop welfare recipients who had exceeded 2-year limit without getting a job or enrolling in school. Senate GOP Leader Steve Ehlmann said that was "typical of the Carnahan administration."
Newspaper Story - Some lawmakers question where the department got the money to pay the two doctors $200 per hour.
Newspaper Story - A legislative panel on taxes has been charged to investigate ways state taxes could be lowered.
Radio Story - A special Senate committee is named to review Missouri's tax laws.
Newspaper Story - Secretary of State Bekki Cook unveiled the millenium edition of the Blue Book Thursday.
Radio Story - For the first time in history the Official Manual for the state of Missouri is online.
Radio Story - St. Louis representative Charles Quincy Troupe says there is a cover up at the Correction Department.
Radio Story - The average cost for a gallon of gas has risen close to 4 cents in just the last 2 weeks.
Radio Story - Some Missourians are coming down with the flu after cruises to Alaska. This so-called "Alaskan cruise" does not alarm the Missouri Health Department. The department urges everyone to get a flu shot.
Radio Story - The Missouri Gaming Commission will meet with the legislative pannel on gaming to consider four casinos applications.
Newspaper Story - State Auditor Claire McCaskill released a report Tuesday that found various inconsistencies in the Criminal Activity Forfeiture Act (CAFA)
Newspaper Story - Gov. Mel Carnahan called Sen. Ashcroft's successful effort to block the federal judgeship of Judge Ronnie White "politics at it's worst."
10/ 8/1999:
News summary for the week of Oct. 4, 1999.
10/ 7/1999:
Newspaper Story - Carnahan offers eight recommendations for schools to counter possible violence.
10/ 7/1999:
Newspaper Story - A sister of deceased inmate Stephanie Summers testified before a panel of lawmakers of pain and death in dealing with the Corrections Department.
10/ 7/1999:
Newspaper Story - Rep. Scott Lakin, D-Kansas City, is considering taking a closer look at UM spending practices in the wake of a budget crunch.
10/ 7/1999:
Radio Story - The Missouri employment rate has increased to what expertss call the point of full employment during the past year.
10/ 6/1999:
Radio Story - Calling Senator John Ashcroft "reckless", Gov. Mel Carnahan accused the Senator of political motivations in his charge against Missouri Supreme Court Justice Ronnie White.
10/ 6/1999:
Radio Story - Gov. Mel Carnahan and Senator John Ashcroft explain why they think Judge Ronnie White was not confirmed to the federal bench.
10/ 6/1999:
Radio Story - Gov. Mel Carnahan unleashed eight recommendations to prevent school violence.
10/ 6/1999:
Radio Story - The Governor's school violence task force spent seven months working on this plan to keep kids safe in schools.
10/ 5/1999:
Radio Story - Insurance agencies urge the Governor's building code commission to adopt statewide building codes. Lawrence Schwab says the codes will lower homeowners' overall costs.
10/ 5/1999:
Radio Story - Missouri Democrats say that their stronghold of U.S. District 1 in St. Louis won't be affected by redrawings stemming from the 2000 Census.
10/ 5/1999:
Radio Story - The Missouri Department of Natural Resources estimates that the average consumer's bill for heat will increase as much as $30 per month this winter.
10/ 5/1999:
Radio Story - Federal relief for Missouri farmers may come by the end of the month--but the nearly nine-billion dollars is not good enough. The House Agriculture Committee is searching for other temporary solutions. An increase in export levels may provide relief within a few years.
10/ 5/1999:
Radio Story - The Missouri House Agriculture Committee met with farm authorities and suppliers to provide drought releif. Foreign competition and the drought could cause problems for up to two years.
10/ 5/1999:
Radio Story - The Allegheny Institute, a pro-deregulation public interest group, says Southwestern Bell has claimed millions of dollars in assets it doesn't have, pushing rates higher.
10/ 4/1999:
Newspaper Story - Low commodity prices and dry weather conditions prompt Congress to assist farmers by supplying emergency aid.
10/ 4/1999:
Newspaper Story - Overview of the Missouri Campaign Finance Disclosure law at the heart of Tuesday's arguments before the U.S. Supreme Court.
10/ 4/1999:
Newspaper Story - Missouri Attorney General Jay Nixon and lawyers for Shrink Missouri Goverment PAC are headed for a Tuesday showdown at the U.S. Supreme Court over a Missouri law that limits the size of political campaign contributions. Observers expect the high court's decision to have national implications.
10/ 1/1999:
News summary for the week of Sept. 27, 1999.
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