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May 1997 Stories
News summary for the week of May 19, 1997.
News summary for the week of May 12, 1997.
Newspaper Story - Legislative session ends passing a tax cut but failing on a number of other major issues.
Newspaper Story - Health was one of the major areas of accomplishment for Missouri's 1997 legislative session.
Radio Story - Missouri's legislators failed to pass welfare reforms that would extend federal benefit limits.
Radio Story - In the final hours of this session, Missouri legislators unanimously approved a three cent grocery sales tax cut.
Radio Story - The Senate after three hours of debate passes the bill that would chut the sales tax on food to three cents.
Radio Story - The ban of statewide safety inspections will have to wait until next year's legislative session.
Newspaper Story - A deadlock on tax breaks for private and parochial school costs has stalled legislative action on the governor's proposal to cut the sales tax on groceries.
Radio Story - Three of the year's major issues - tax cuts, child support enforcement and welfare reform - are still before legislators hours away from the end of the session.
Newspaper Story - Rep. May Scheve adds the final signature to a tax bill without breaks for education.
Radio Story - If Missouri's legislators fail to enact federally mandated child support enforcement rules Friday, it could cost the state millions of dollars.
Newspaper Story - Like a body that keeps twitching after its dead, efforts to soften federal welfare reform remained a possibiity in Missouri's legislature Wednesday.
Newspaper Story - No agreement was rached on the State's tax bill after the conference committee adjourned moments after the Speaker of the House was accused of bigotry.
Radio Story - The tax-cut conference committee breaks up without agreement after the House speaker is accused of bigotry.
Newspaper Story - Managed care regulation sent to the governor.
Newspaper Story - The House votes to hold a statewide vote on the issue of concealed weapons.
Newspaper Story - House-Senate conferees stall the tax cut package for parochial schools.
Newspaper Story - The Senate passed a bill that establishes a non-profit to provide more health insurance access to kids with an amendment to expand Medicaid eligibility.
Radio Story - Missouri's Senate passed bill that would provide affordable health insurance for children.
Newspaper Story - The managed care regulation bill has reached a stalemate over the inclusion of administrative rulemaking language, which the Senate Judiciary Chairman wants.
Newspaper Story - House leaders scrambled Tuesday to find a way to bring welfare reform to the House floor after Monday's night rejection of the bill by the House Budget Committee.
Newspaper Story - The proposal of Missouri's governor to improve safety of children who ride school buses cleared the Missouri House Wedenesday. Measure to require crossing-control arms on school buses.
Radio Story - Senator Peter Kinder said his bill was not designed to allow all citizens to carry concealed weapons only reitired judges, police officers and state officials
5/ 9/1997:
News summary for the week of May 5, 1997.
5/ 9/1997:
Newspaper Story - Missouri lawmakers send the governor one of the biggest anti-crime measures in decades -- witness immunity.
5/ 9/1997:
Newspaper Story - The sponsor of the House managed care reform bill said he will accept a Senate amendment added to please business.
5/ 9/1997:
Radio Story - State lawmakers failed to pass the budget, even after pushing the 6PM deadline by nearly two hours.
5/ 8/1997:
Radio Story - State lawmakers get caught up in abortion debate with less than 10 hours left to pass the budget.
5/ 8/1997:
Radio Story - State lawmakers voted to use tax payer money to build car inspection stations in St.Louis.
5/ 7/1997:
Newspaper Story - Coalition of Republicans and black Democrats defeat welfare reform in committee.
5/ 7/1997:
Newspaper Story - Opposition to auto-exhaust inspections in the St. Louis area stalls the House on the budget.
5/ 7/1997:
Newspaper Story - Chemical castration requirements for sex offenders is declared dead for the 1997 legislative session.
5/ 6/1997:
Radio Story - House votes to subject repeat sex offenders to chemical castration drugs.
5/ 6/1997:
Radio Story - Chemical castration is now part of a bill that would punish the spreading of AIDS
5/ 6/1997:
Newspaper Story - The managed care was welcomed to its first day of debate in the Senate by several amendments from opponents.
5/ 6/1997:
Radio Story - The House approved a measure to increase fees paid to get a driver's license.
5/ 6/1997:
Radio Story - The House again rejects funding for state-run auto-exhaust inspection stations in the St. Louis area.
5/ 5/1997:
Radio Story - The measure is designed to prevent the spread of HIV.
5/ 5/1997:
Newspaper Story - Republicans chose a white male abortion opponent as their new floor leader.
5/ 2/1997:
News summary for the week of April 28, 1997.
5/ 1/1997:
Radio Story - Republicans charge the legislature's welfare bill does not go far enough.
5/ 1/1997:
Radio Story - The Senate votes to give tax breaks for parents sending their children to private schools.
5/ 1/1997:
Radio Story - The next two weeks will be hectic for lawmakers and their staffs as they vote on the major issues for this session.
5/ 1/1997:
Newspaper Story - About $14,600 in reimbursements were disbursed based on the questionable receipts.
5/ 1/1997:
Radio Story - Feature background on Attorney General Jay Nixon's decision to sue the tobacco industry.
5/ 1/1997:
Newspaper Story - The Missouri Senate passed its version of a tax reduction plan--money for students to attend private/church schools.
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