Former Senator Bray now supports new nuclear power plant.
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Former Senator Bray now supports new nuclear power plant.

Date: March 1, 2011
By: Brian Bondus
State Capitol Bureau
Links: SB 406

Despite year after year of failure, Ameren Missouri is taking a new approach to get ratepayers to pay for a new plant.
RunTime:  0:47
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: This time they have the support of former Senator Joan Bray from St. Louis County who previously opposed the bill.

She says she supports it as long as customer protections are in place.   

Actuality:  BRAY2.WAV
Run Time:  00:17
Description: "So this piece of legislation has those three very important protections for the consumer, for the ratepayers. Who are being asked to take a risk, a risk and pay for it up front. That the utility is not willing to do itself"

The Senate bill  would make ratepayers support the cost of building the plant before it was producing power, even though Missouri voters made this illegal in 1976. 

Senate leaders are planning a committee hearing sometime next week to discuss all the bills concerning nuclear power.

Reporting from Jefferson City, I'm Brian Bondus. 


Former Senator Joan Bray from St. Louis County who previously opposed a new nuclear power plant, now supports the new plant as long as customer protections are in place.
RunTime:  0:51
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: The three protections Bray says she wants are consumers to get thier money back, if the plant permit is not secured or the plant is not built.

Also she says there should be 40 million dollar cap for Ameren Missouri that it cannot exceed.

And finally there is an additional 3 million dollars funding for the Office of Public Counsel.

Sponsor of the bill is Senator Jason Crowell from Southeast Missouri and he says why the funding will come from the OPC.


Actuality:  CROWELL406.WAV
Run Time:  00:18
Description: "We didnt want people paying general revenue that won't ever get the benefits from this."

 Crowell says he will lead a committee hearing sometime next week.

Reporting from the Capitol, I'm Brian Bondus.



Former Senator Joan Bray from St. Louis County came back to Missouri's Capitol in support of bill that she previously opposed.
RunTime:  0:41
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: The Senate bill would have Missouri ratepayers pay for a new nuclear plant for Ameren Missouri.

In 1976 Missouri voters made it illegal to have the public pay for a plant that is not producing electricity, but Bray says the public's interest is being served.

Actuality:  BRAY1.WAV
Run Time:  00:15
Description: "If we are going to gnaw away at a law the public built, then we have to have the public acess to oversee that project and to make sure their interest are being served the entire time."

Sponsor of the bill Senator Jason Crowell says he will lead a committee hearing discussing all the bills concerning nuclear power next week.

Reporting from the Capitol, I'm Brian Bondus