Intro: | Governor Nixon says Missouri residents will not see an increase in college tuition. |
RunTime: | 0:39 |
OutCue: | SOC |
Wrap: Governor Nixon negotiated a deal with Missouri colleges to keep tuition the same for in-state undergraduate students.
Governor Nixon's spokesman Scott Holste (HOLE-STEE) says the deal is an extension of last year's tuition freeze.
Actuality: | HOLSTE1.WAV |
Run Time: | 00:15 |
Description: "Freezing tuition for Missouri families is a big step the Governor took last year with presence, and really believes that this is a way that we can help with the continued recovery." |
Deputy Commissioner of Higher Education Paul Wagner agrees and says the tuition freeze was continued to help Missouri families.
Reporting from the state Capitol, I'm Rebecca Stephen.
Intro: | Governor Nixon says Missouri colleges will not raise tuition for the upcoming school year. |
RunTime: | 0:37 |
OutCue: | SOC |
Wrap: Missouri colleges worked out an agreement with Governor Nixon to keep tuition for in-state students the same as long as he keeps funding stable.
Deputy Commissioner of Higher Education Paul Wagner says this tuition freeze was continued to help keep college affordable.
Actuality: | WAGNER1.WAV |
Run Time: | 00:12 |
Description: "Ya know, historically higher education has taken the brunt of state cuts whenever the budget has been in a deficit situation, and I think his commitment to higher education is such that he wanted to prevent that from happening." |
Governor Nixon's spokesman Scott Holste (HOLE-STEE) says the agreement is subject to the General Assembly's vote.
Reporting from the state Capitol, I'm Rebecca Stephen.
Intro: | Missouri colleges agree not to increase funding this next school year in order to receive stable funding. |
RunTime: | 0:35 |
OutCue: | SOC |
Wrap: Governor Nixon announced college tuition will not go up for the second year in the row.
Governor Nixon's spokesman Scott Holste (HOLE-STEE) says college agreed to take a five percent cut in state funding.
Actuality: | HOLSTE4.WAV |
Run Time: | 00:13 |
Description: "They realize that with the difficult budget situation we have that this is something that will keep their funding relatively stable." |
Holste says the agreement still needs approval of the General Assembly and the institution's governing boards.
Reporting from the state Capitol, I'm Rebecca Stephen.