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Amy Becker
Stories by
Amy Becker
Radio Story - Senator Cauthorn says cattle herds in Missouri are constantly tested for the disease. The herds are also tagged and given a number ID to ensure they can be tracked back to their producer.
5/ 3/2006:
Radio Story - If bird flu were to hit Missouri, the state doesn't have the medical capabilities to keep up with the amount of outrbeaks.
Radio Story - The bill would make all official proceedings to be held in English.
Radio Story - The bill will prohibit those who have performed abortions from playing a part in sex education.
Radio Story - The bill will prohibit universities from knowingly accepting illegal aliens.
Radio Story - Democrats were caught off guard when a bill about campaign finance was passed for perfection.
4/ 5/2006:
Radio Story - Some lawmakers are concerned about the impact ethanol will have on the price Missouri drivers pay at the pump.
4/ 4/2006:
Radio Story - A house bill will give motorcyclists the option of not wearing a helment.
Radio Story - Mad Cow disease is being prevented in Missouri by constant surveillence and testing for the disease.
3/ 8/2006:
Radio Story - Senator Michael GIbbons says he wants to clean house in the senate by getting rid of unneed committees that no longer have a purpose.
3/ 7/2006:
Radio Story - A group of Missouri Fisherman rely only on the strength of their hands to catch catfish in murky rivers.
3/ 1/2006:
Radio Story - Senator Jason Crowell says Roe v. Wade was a wrong Supreme Court opinion and he wants a Missouri constitutional amendment to ban abortion all together.
Radio Story - The bill also protects the person against lawsuits that could be brought by the criminal if they are harmed.
Radio Story - A new bill would increase state funding for public schools
Radio Story - A proposed bill by Senator Jason Crowell would allow for the Bible to be offered as an elective class in public schools.
Radio Story - The bill will restrict when protests will be allowed at funerals.
Radio Story - Attorney General Jay Nixon spoke at a rally and voiced his concern over Governor Matt Blunt's plans for Medicaid.
Radio Story - Hundreds gathered in the state capitol's rotunda to talk about cuts made to Missouri Health Care.
2/ 8/2006:
Radio Story - Bill penalties include fines and possible suspension of the person's hunting license.
2/ 1/2006:
Radio Story - Roy temple charges that $5000 round table discussions are unethical
Radio Story - Treasurer Steelman is concerned of the effect that the MOHELA sale will have on students.
1/ 3/2006:
Radio Story - Minority leaders Jeff Harris and Maida Coleman are concered over the new MOHELA proposal and its effects on education.
Amy Becker Stories
Amy Becker Stories
12/ 3/2007:
Radio Story - Monday marked the first day for legislators to file bills. Senate Majority leader Charlie Shields jumped on the opportunity, submitting a revised bill he sponsored last legislative session. Amy Becker has more from the state capitol.
Radio Story - The Show-Me state was recently ranked the 11th worst state in the nation for educator sexual misconduct, prompting Republican St. Louis Representative Jane Cunningham to work on legislation to attack the problem.
Radio Story - Democratic Party spokesman Jack Cardetti says after firing laywer Scott Eckersley, Governor Blunt's office has participated in some of the nastiest character attacks he has ever seen in Missouri politics.
Radio Story - In an event reminiscent of the Lincoln bedroom style campaign events of 1997, Governor Blunt is accused of using the Governor's mansion as a fundraising hub.
Radio Story - Legendary television host Bob Barker made his first trip to the state Capitol to be inducted in to the Hall of Famous Missourians
Radio Story - A state judge upheld Missouri's school funding method, dismissing claims by several schools that it unfairly distributes money among school districts.
Radio Story - Today marked Senator Chris Koster's first day as a member of the Democratic Party.
5/ 7/2007:
Radio Story - The Missouri House of Representatives finally passed the sale of MOHELA bill after a fight by many Democratic members to force the bill back to the Senate.
Radio Story - Representative Ed Robb announced Monday a new agreement to bring back 31.2 million dollars to the University of Missouri-Columbia campus for the new Ellis Fischel (FISH-L) Cancer Center.
Radio Story - State Auditor Susan Montee held a press conference Wednesday to discuss the future of the Second Injury Fund.
Radio Story - Following the shooting of students at the Virginia Tech campus, the Missouri Senate held a moment of silence and prayer for the families and victims of the Tragedy. Amy Becker has more from the state
Radio Story - The Missouri Senate paved the way for Medicaid reform by approving Missouri Healthnet.
4/ 4/2007:
Radio Story - The Missouri Senate voted for initial passage of the Medicaid bill. The reform bill had a bumpy journey through the senate but passed Wednesday. Amy Becker has more from the state Capitol.
4/ 2/2007:
Radio Story - Debate ensued in the Missouri Senate over Republican Senator Charlie Sheild's Medicaid bill.
Radio Story - St. Louis Mayor Francis Slay visited the capitol to testify in support of a bill that will allow the mayor's office to sponsor charter schools.
3/ 5/2007:
Radio Story - Hundreds of Missouri farmers, property owners, and local elected officials met at the capitol to voice their opposition against Senate Bill 364.
Radio Story - Heated debate rose in the Senate during the discussion of a bill that would modify laws on the use of force. Some senators say the bill focuses on the power of aggression in society.
Radio Story - Democrat Senator Joan Bray admits her disgust at the way Governor Blunt handled the sexual harrassment case in the Department of Agriculture.
Radio Story - A bill in the Missouri Senate will implement a five star ratings system for child care providers.
Radio Story - Abortion rights activists held press conference to push legislation for women's rights in contraception
Radio Story - Committee questions response of utility companies in ice storms (FOR MISSY)
Radio Story - House debates new bill for Ticket to Work program
2/ 5/2007:
Radio Story - Legislators held a press conference Monday to outline demands for Ameren UE in the Taum Sauk disaster.
Missouri Digital News is produced by Missouri Digital News, Inc. -- a non profit organization of current and former journalists.
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