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Kyle Elfrink
Stories by
Kyle Elfrink
Radio Story - Budget debate in the Senate was interrupted by heated debate about paying for the proposed ballpark in St. Louis.
Radio Story - Darryl Duwe says he has yet to receive a response for his request of Governor Mel Carnahan's travel records. The records are open under Missouri law.
Radio Story - Darryl Duwe says he has yet to receive a response for his request of Governor Mel Carnahan's travel records. The records are open under Missouri law.
Radio Story - Darryl Duwe says he has yet to receive a response for his request of Governor Mel Carnahan's travel records. The records are open under Missouri law.
4/ 5/2000:
Radio Story - Victims can now get information about parole hearing dates, release dates, and the current place of confinement of their offenders 24 hours a day.
4/ 5/2000:
Radio Story - Victims can now get information about parole hearing dates, release dates, and the current place of confinement of their offenders 24 hours a day.
3/ 7/2000:
Radio Story - Bush and Gore supporters celebrated primary victories quite differently at the state capitol Tuesday night.
Radio Story - The House Corrections Committee continues to hear testimony regarding private prisons.
Radio Story - With less than one year left on his term, Jay Nixon says he is most proud of restoring respect to the Atttorney General's Office.
Radio Story - Attorney General Jay Nixon plans to spend his last year in office fighting methamphetamine in Missouri.
Radio Story - The House Correctional Committee heard testimony at giving hope to prisoners serving life sentences without parole.
Radio Story - The House Correctional Committee heard testimony at giving hope to prisoners serving life sentences without parole.
Radio Story - The House Correctional Committee heard testimony at giving hope to prisoners serving life sentences without parole.
Radio Story - Benjamin Demps told the House Education Committee his school district is working to become accredited.
Radio Story - The bill covers an assortment of computer crimes, from privacy to pornography.
2/ 8/2000:
Radio Story - The Missouri House voted to change a portion of their health care bill. The new amendment allows insurers to set rates based on pre-existing conditions.
2/ 3/2000:
Radio Story - Senator Harold Caskey says it's time to look at replacing property taxes as the way to fund schools.
2/ 3/2000:
Radio Story - Senator Harold Caskey says it's time to look at replacing property taxes as the way to fund schools.
Radio Story - A state representative is hoping to make the state capitol alcohol-free. If the bill passes, alcohol would no longer be allowed in the state capitol starting in 2002.
Radio Story - One legislator is trying to bring legal ticket scalping back to Missouri. Jon Dolan of Lake St. Louis filed a bill on Tuesday that allows ticket holders to sell their seats at above face-value.
Radio Story - The bill allows resort bars and restaurants on the Lake of the Ozarks to sell alcohol until 3 a.m.
Radio Story - The Consumer Protection committee is currently debating a bill restricting unsolicited commercial e-mail, commonly known as "spam mail."
Radio Story - State legislators are hoping to imporve school violence laws this session.
Radio Story - Two mid-Missouri schools have already had to close their doors for one day, and the flu season is just beginning.
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