SCS SB 1234
Sponsor: Shields, Charlie
Status: S Perf
Description: Prohibit a business simultaneously getting both an Enhanced Enterprise Zone tax credit and a Quality Jobs tax credit. SCS provides tax credits for large-scale projects - designed to provide up to $880 in tax breaks for a Canadian firm to build an aircraft manufacturing plant in Kansas City.
  • Senate roll call - SA 4 SS SB 1234 (04/15/2008): An amendment to the tax-break package for a Canadian aircraft firm to give the legislature a final say in whatever package ultimately is negotiated by the administration in return for locating a pla
  • The Fiscal Note(s)
  • Official legislative description and status

  • Note: The descriptions of bills, amendments and roll-call votes are written by MDN journalists. MDN's database may not include committee assignments of bills made on the last day of the session since it is too late for the committee to act on the bill and, thus, the delayed assignment has no practical effect.