After Governor Nixon abandons his call for a special session, the House Speaker questioned his motivations
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After Governor Nixon abandons his call for a special session, the House Speaker questioned his motivations

Date: December 1, 2014
By: Steven Anthony
State Capitol Bureau

Just hours after Governor Jay Nixon canceled his call for a special session, Missouri's House Speaker accuses him of executive malpractice.
RunTime:  0:38
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: House Speaker Tim Jones said he is very upset at the governor for not paying attention to his own budget and accused him of using the Missouri National Guard to repair his reputation.

Actuality:  TIMJONES.WAV
Run Time:  00:15
Description: "This governor does not even understand his own budget. And yes, to use the men and women of the National Guard as political pawns in this tragedy, I know is disgusting to all Missourians."

Jones also said legislative leaders are moving ahead with plans to hold hearings on what happened in Ferguson either this week or next week.

Reporting from the state Capitol, I'm Steven Anthony, NewsRadio 1120 KMOX.