Senators up in arms over gun licenses
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Senators up in arms over gun licenses

Date: April 9, 2013
By: Brendan Cullerton
State Capitol Bureau
Links: SB 252

A Missouri Senator shows evidence on the Senate Floor that Governor Jay Nixon's administration is ignoring state law.
Runtime:  0:43
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: Senate Appropriations Chair Kurt Schaefer discovered a document retained by the Nixon administration showing that the Department of Revenue created a database to store personal information used to obtain driver's and gun licenses.

Schaefer unveiled the document on the Senate floor Tuesday night.

Actuality:  SCHAEFR6.WAV
Run Time:  00:13
Description: "It's right here. I'm happy to share this document with anyone who wants to see it. They can look at the federal register. Let's just move beyond that. You can call it a magical database if you want. I just call it the Department of Revenue's database that they've said is required by REAL ID."

The Nixon administration has repeatedly denied the existence of the database and the Revenue Commissioner has repeatedly declined reporter interviews on the topic. 

Reporting from the State Capitol, I'm Brendan Cullerton.