Union workers continue fight against union paycheck deduction bill in House
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Union workers continue fight against union paycheck deduction bill in House

Date: April 3, 2013
By: Katie Kreider
State Capitol Bureau

Union workers continued to fight the Senate's union paycheck deduction bill in a House committee meeting Wednesday.
RunTime:  0:42
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: Despite passing through the Senate last week, some union workers are still fighting a bill that would eliminate automatic deductions from their paychecks for political campaigns.

Bill sponsor, Republican Senator Dan Brown says the bill aims to protect the freedom of those workers.

But Bradley Harmon, President of the local labor union Communications Workers of America, says that isn't the case.

Actuality:  HARMON2.WAV
Run Time:  00:09
Description: "It treats us like children who don't understand what we're doing when we're signing an authorization card saying 'deduct my union dues until I tell you to stop.'"

Other union workers say the bill is designed to weaken labor unions because their workers get paid more than non-union workers.

Reporting from the state Capitol, I'm Katie Kreider.

Union workers criticized a union paycheck deduction bill in a House committee meeting Wednesday, making the accusation that it weakened their organzations.
RunTime:  0:44
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: A Senate bill that would eliminate the automatic deduction of employee paychecks for political campaigns was criticized by union workers on Wednesday.

Republican Senator and bill sponsor Dan Brown says the bill would give employees greater freedom with their political contributions.

Traditionally, union workers have shown support for Democratic campaigns.

Democratic Representative Michael Frame says Republicans support the bill because it would limit the amount of money donated to Democratic campaigns.

Actuality:  FRAME.WAV
Run Time:  00:08
Description: "If we're talking incremental gains here, we want to attack anyone we possibly can, especially those who are funding our opponents. That makes sense."

Opponents also say it would limit their freedom with contributions.

Reporting from the state Capitol, I'm Katie Kreider.