Opponents clash at forum on cigarette tax
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Opponents clash at forum on cigarette tax

Date: October 5, 2012
By: Alexander Mallin and Wes Duplantier
State Capitol Bureau

The pros and cons of a proposed cigarette tax were debated in a forum held by University of Missouri students.
RunTime:  0:39
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: Democratic state representative Chris Kelly argues that Proposition B, a measure which will increase the tobacco tax, is important for the health of Missourians.

Actuality:  KELLY4.WAV
Run Time:  00:09
Description: "If you're going to talk about injestible poisons I think you can make a reasonable argument that you ought to tax them different than, for instance, potatoes."

A lobbyist for convenience stores across the state Ron Leone says the 760 percent tax increase will endanger Missouri small businesses.

Actuality:  LEONNN.WAV
Run Time:  00:10
Description: "We will go from the lowest in the country, which is a fantastic thing from our perspective because it drives consumers from these higher tax border states. Who again, don't just purchase tobacco products but all kinds of other things.

From the state capitol, I'm Alex Mallin. 

University of Missouri students held a forum for debate on Proposition B, a meaure that would raise the tobacco tax by 73 cents.
RunTime:  0:40
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: Opponents of the tax say it could devastate Missouri small businesses, especially close to the borders.

A lobbyist for convenience stores across the state Ron Leone says the measure will effect the economic boost of having the lowest cigarette tax in the country by discouraging consumers from out of state.

Actuality:  LEON1.WAV
Run Time:  00:06
Description: "They leave their money here, and then they go home. Why would we want to do anything that discourages that?"

Democratic State Representative of Columbia Chris Kelly disagrees.

Actuality:  KELLY2.WAV
Run Time:  00:10
Description: "If you want to say that we're destroying jobs in the bootlegging industry I'll say yes. Isn't that a shame, our whole bootlegging industry is going to go to hell in a handbasket."

From the state capitol, I'm Alex Mallin.

A state representative argued to voters that promoting education is more important than tobacco prices on this November's ballot.
RunTime:  0:41
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: University of Missouri students held a forum for debate on a proposed increase on the tobacco tax.

According to the state auditor's estimate, Prop B’s passage would bring in an estimated $283 to $423 million a year, 80 percent of which would go towards education.

Democratic State Representative Chris Kelley says the tax is vital for increasing funding.

Actuality:  KELLY3.WAV
Run Time:  00:13
Description: "Just remember, if you care about the value of your degree, and you care about the value of this institution, which is desperate for the resources, this is the only game in town."
A convenience store lobbyist Ron Leone says the 760 percent tax increase is too severe.

From the state capitol, I'm Alex Mallin.