House committee considers universal college transfer courses
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House committee considers universal college transfer courses

Date: January 24, 2012
By: Andrew Weil
State Capitol Bureau
Links: HB 1042

The House higher education committee heard testimony on Tuesday supporting a plan to streamline the process of transferring college courses throughout public universities in Missouri.
RunTime:  0:38
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: The plan would create a list of 25 lower-level classes that would be universally accepted from one public university to another in Missouri.

The bill's sponsor is Higher Education Committee Chair, Republican Mike Thomson.

He says the plan makes the process of earning a college degree more efficient.

Actuality:  THOMSON1.WAV
Run Time:  00:11
Description: "Higher Education is the key to a educated workforce and we know that we are not ready in Missouri to meet the demands of the future, this is one way we begin."
No one testified against the plan during Tuesday's hearing.

The committee will vote on the plan sometime next week.

Reporting from the State Capitol, I'm Andrew Weil.

The House higher education committee heard testimony Tuesday supporting a plan streamlining the process to achieve an associate's degree.
RunTime:  0:42
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: The plan would allow students in Missouri who leave public community colleges to put classes from public 4-year universities toward an associate's degree. 

This would only be allowed for students who left a community college before receiving an associate's degree.

Republican Maryville Representative Mike Thomson is the bill's sponsor.  

He says some students don't realize their colleges already do this.

Actuality:  THOMSON2.WAV
Run Time:  00:12
Description: "There are some schools at this point in the state that actually are doing that and are making a conscious effort to do that but it's not statewide and we would like to see this done statewide and in a more organized manner."

The committee will vote on the plan sometime next week.

Reporting from the State Capitol, I'm Andrew Weil.