Students fill the capitol with their songs
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Students fill the capitol with their songs

Date: March 20, 2012
By: Crystall Cho
State Capitol Bureau

Hundreds of school kids sang to politicians at the Capitol Tuesday.
RunTime:  0:45
OutCue:  SOC


Actuality:  NAT.WAV
Run Time:  00:09
Description: Nat sound: People singing.

Missouri's Fine Arts Education Day gave some school choirs a chance to shine.

Local school choir groups gathered at the Capitol to sing in front of legislators and parents, along with other choir groups.

Columbia's Lange Middle School's vocal specialist Jazz Rucker says his group feels confident about their choir performance.  

Actuality:  JAZZ1.WAV
Run Time:  00:08
Description: "Anytime that you can have students out here presenting the work that happens in the classroom is something that's amazing and now they're watching another ensemble. They'll learn a lot about it."
Not all schools attended the Fine Arts Education Day just to sing. Some also performed theater in Jefferson City.
Reporting from the Capitol, I'm Crystall Cho.
As politicians debated, students were singing.
RunTime:  0:42
OutCue:  SOC


Actuality:  NAT2.WAV
Run Time:  00:10
Description: Nat sound: People singing.

Different middle school and high school choir students gathered in the Capitol Rotunda for Missouri's annual Fine Arts Education Day.

Sixth grader Ellen Schmidt from Columbia's Lange Middle School says performing at the Capitol was an amazing opportunity for her.

Actuality:  SCHMIDT.WAV
Run Time:  00:10
Description: "It's my first time and I hadn't done anything like it. I've performed for my school but I haven ever gone to something where so many people are watching. It was really nerve-wracking, but it was really really fun.
Ellen says she now has more confidence to sing in front of a big crowd.
Reporting from the Capitol, I'm Crystall Cho.
School kids crowded the Capitol today to sing up.
RunTime:  0:44
OutCue:  SOC


Actuality:  NAT3.WAV
Run Time:  00:10
Description: Nat sound: People singing.

Voices and songs filled up the Capitol Rotunda Tuesday.

Rachel Burris from Truman High School in Independence says this is the first time visiting the Capitol for herself and many of the students in her group.

Actuality:  BURRIS1.WAV
Run Time:  00:08
Description: "We practice Monday nights for two hours and then we practice Thursday after school for two hours. It's just fun and relaxing. No school today, so that's a bonus."

Michelle Halbok, a parent from Raymore-Pecular East Middle School says all the choir groups have been working hard since the beginning of the year and everyone's performances were outstanding.

Reporting from the Capitol, I'm Crystall Cho.