After a Sweeping Election, Republicans, Democrats Face New Challenges in Senate.
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After a Sweeping Election, Republicans, Democrats Face New Challenges in Senate.

Date: November 3, 2010
By: Allison Blood
State Capitol Bureau

A large majority in the Senate seems like good news for Republicans, but an outgoing Senate Republican leader says it could cause problems for both parties. Allison Blood has more from Jefferson City.
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OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: President Pro Tem Charlie Shields, who's reaching his term limit in January says the Republicans may be able to pass through more legislation in the coming session, but unifying the party will be their real challenge.

Actuality:  SHIELDS5.WAV
Run Time:  00:07
Description: "How do you keep it together so that you really have a solid uh, Republican core and not breaking into pieces."

He says Missouri's Senate could turn out to have three parties: Conservative Republicans, Moderate Republicans and Democrats.

The Senate Republicans elected Rob Mayer as their President Pro Tem and Tom Demsey as their floor leader.

From Jefferson City, I'm Allison Blood, KSMU News.


As Senate Republicans announced new leadership today, Incoming leaders say this session will have a very conservative tone. Allison Blood has more from Jefferson City.
RunTime:  0:32
OutCue:  SOC


Actuality:  ROB1.WAV
Run Time:  00:07
Description: "I think to a degree that is correct, there is a conservative vent to this legislature."

That was incoming Senate President Pro Tem Rob Mayer, who says conservative policies regarding jobs will be the top priority.

But outgoing President Pro Tem Charlie Shields says this increasingly conservative lean could cause some Republicans to splinter off.

Actuality:  SHIELDS5.WAV
Run Time:  00:07
Description: "How do you keep it together so you really ahve a solid Republican core in the Senate and not breaking into pieces?"

From Jefferson City, I'm Allison Blood. KSMU News.