A second day of debate built noticeable tension Blunt and Carnahan
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A second day of debate built noticeable tension Blunt and Carnahan

Date: October 15, 2010
By: Allison Blood
State Capitol Bureau

At the second day of Senatorial debates, Robin Carnahan and Roy Blunt continue to fight for time and votes. Allison Blood has more from Jefferson City.
RunTime:  0:31
OutCue:  SOC



Actuality:  FIGHT.WAV
Run Time:  00:08
Description: "(Ambeint fighting about corporate jets)."

Blunt and Carnahan argued over the use of federal stimulus money.

Blunt continued to criticize Carnahan's brother's wind farm for taking grants from the Obama Administration.

Carnahan hit back, saying Blunt has more interests in wall street and oil companies than in Missourians. 

And neither stayed within time constraints.


Actuality:  TIMEUP.WAV
Run Time:  00:02
Description: "Your time for this rebuttal is up!"


From Lake Ozark, I'm Allison Blood

Amidst the bickering of Friday's Senate debate, Moderator AP correspondent David Lieb asked every candidate to say something nice about another. Allison Blood has more from Lake Ozark.
RunTime:  0:38
OutCue:  SOC

Wrap: As the audience laughed, all the candidates tried to play nice.

Secretary of State Robin Carnahan complimented Congressmen Roy Blunt by saying,

Actuality:  CARN2.WAV
Run Time:  00:09
Description: "When he was here in Missouri he was a terrific public servant, he did a lot of good things for us, which is why I'm disapointed it hasn't worked out the same way in Washington."

Even Libretarian Jonathan Dine took a shot.

Actuality:  DINE001.WAV
Run Time:  00:13
Description: "Both Roy Blunt and Robin Carnahan are excellent fundraisers, they've got 8 million and 7 million dollars apiece, I've only got about a thousand dollars raised, but those are good talents that you'll need..."

The was the final debate before the eleciton.

Rom Jefferson City, I'm Allison Blood