Public Service Commission split over nuclear plant
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Public Service Commission split over nuclear plant

Date: February 4, 2009
By: Allison Blood
State Capitol Bureau

Intro: The state's Public Service Commission is split on the issue of AmerenUE's power plant proposal for Mid-Missouri.

Allison Blood has more from Jefferson City.

OutCue: SOC

In a heated exchange 2 of the 4 members present urged the other half to make a decision now on whether to start building the plant.

The others said to wait until the legislature comes to a decision on the measure.

Commissioner Jeff Davis is a  said he doesn't want to make any moves until after the issue of funding is resolved during this legislative session.

Actuality:  PSC1.WAV
Run Time: 00:14
Description: I don't think you can ask, you know, the share holders or, more importantly,the rate payers who are ultimately going to be be paying this to gamble billions of dollars on something that is not lawful.
State law prohibits companies from charging their rate payers for construction until a project is complete and in use.
From the Capitol, this is Allison Blood.
Intro: Missouri's Public Service Commission is split on the issue of a new nuclear power plant in Mid-Missouri.

Allison Blood has more from Jefferson City.

OutCue: SOC

Funding for the project posed a problem to the commission, causing a heated debate that tabled their discussion of the project.

Commissioner Jeff Davis proposed waiting for the state to make a decision during this session and offering a debate in August.
Actuality:  PSC2.WAV
Run Time: 00:05
Description: I cannot conceive of a way that it could be done absent a change of legislation.
But other Commissioners say there is no reason not to be proactive in planning for the project.
Current state law prohibits companies from charging rate payers for construction projects until they are completed and in use.
From the Capitol, I'm Allison Blood.
Intro: A heated debate over a second nuke plant in Missouri spurred a heated debate in the agency that regulates Missouri's energy.Public Service Commission.

Allison Blood has more from Jefferson City.

OutCue: SOC

The commission was split evenly between 4 members in attendance as they delayed their decision on when to bring discussion before the state.

Current law prohibits companies from charging rate payers for construction until the project is complete and in use.

Commissioner Jeff Davis said that makes the 8 Billion dollar project difficult to fund.

Actuality:  PSC3.WAV
Run Time: 00:11
Description: That is the point that I keep trying to make to my colleagues, is if you don't change the law, it's going to be a fairly short discussion.
Other members say the commission should not wait for legislation to be passed to begin looking at plans for a new power plant.
From the Capitol, I'm Allison Blood.