Gubernatorial Candidate Kenny Hulshof is staying busy in the few days before the election.
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Gubernatorial Candidate Kenny Hulshof is staying busy in the few days before the election.

Date: October 30, 2008
By: Brenda Martens
State Capitol Bureau

Intro: Gubernatorial Candidates Kenny Hulshof and Jay Nixon keep busy in the few days before the election.

Brenda Martens has more.

OutCue: SOC

The two leading candidates for the state's highest office are traveling statewide discussing key campaign issues.

U.S. Congressman Kenny Hulshof's Communications Director Scott Baker says Hulshof will make stops in all four corners of the state between now and November fourth.

Actuality:  SBAKER3.WAV
Run Time: 00:14
Description: It will be a non-stop whirl-wind between now and probably Tuesday midday or so, and at that point may he'll be able to take a little bit of a break as he prepares for the watch party on Tuesday. We're expecting a long, long evening.

Baker says despite his busy schedule Hulshof feels good about the campaign.

Nixon's campaign says the attorney general is optimistic as well.

Reporting from Jefferson City, I'm Brenda Martens.

Intro: With only days remaining in the election, Missouri's Gubernatorial Candidates are busy trying to win votes around the state.

Brenda Martens has more from the State Capitol.

OutCue: SOC

Lead candidates Jay Nixon and Kenny Hulshof are traveling all-over Missouri trying to help voters understand the issues they think are most important.

Hulshof Campaign Communications Director Scott Baker says the economy is one issue Hulshof will focus on before voters hit the polls.

Actuality:  SBAKER.WAV
Run Time: 00:13
Description: The biggest issue that's on everyone's mind is the economy and he's been talking about his More Jobs Program which would spark job creation in the short term as well as the long term and really provide the needed boost to Missouri's economy.

Nixon's campaign says he will discuss economics as well as health care and education.

Reporting from Jefferson City, I'm Brenda Martens.