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Senate bill may eliminate five make-up days for schools

March 11, 2003
By: Megan Murphy
State Capital Bureau

Sick kids and snow caused a large number of school closings this winter, but a Senate bill may help to limit some of the make-up days.

The Senate Education Committee approved a bill that would relax the rules that dictate how school's makeup for cancelled classes.

Under this bill, schools would have to make up the first 7 days of classes missed because of snow or the flu.

But, the next five days would be optional. Any amount of days missed after 12 would become mandatory again.

Several school superintedents turned out for a recent public hearing to speak in favor of the bill. Allen Markley is the Superintendent of the Sparta R-3 school district.

RunTime: 9
OutCue: "or less"

Contents: "We do have 12 days to make up, we are looking at going to some Saturday schools, which are generally half days - very unproductive, attendance 80% or less."

Markley urged the committee to move quickly on this bill because he says their schedule is now in danger of running into summer school.

In Jefferson City, Megan Murphy, KMOX News

Teachers and students would not have to make up all the days they've missed under a bill that has the support of a senate committee.

A combination of bad weather and flu led some Missouri school districts to cancel classes this winter for days at a time...that's why lawmakers are considering giving them a break.

Under the bill, schools would have to make up the first 7 days, but the next 5 days would be optional. Anything after 12 days must be made up.

Mike Wood of the Missouri State Teachers Association supports the bill, but says it's important to have a limit.

RunTime: 11
OutCue: "we have."

Contents: "I think part of the issue on why we limit it to five is because classroom instruction time is so important to our students out there. If we exempt them from too much, they would not perform well on that wonderful MAP test that we have."

Some school officials say they're in danger of having their regular classes run into summer school.

In Jefferson City, Megan Murphy, KMOX News

The flu bug and bad weather have led many school districts to cancel classes...Now they have to make those up.

But as Megan Murphy reports, lawmakers say they may give them a break.

The Senate Education Committee approved a bill that would let school districts off the hook for five snow or flu days.

Under this bill, the first 7 days of missed school would be mandatory to make-up, but the next 5 would be optional. After missing 12 days, districts would have to start making them up again.

Mike Wood of the Missouri State Teachers Association says it's important to end the school year as soon as possible to help out the teachers.

RunTime: 17
OutCue: "certification requirements"

Contents: "When you start having students go that late, teachers have to go that late during June and many of them, because of our archaic certification process, have to go back and start taking college classes. If we start going too late into June, that would affect their ability to meet their certification requirements."

Wood also said it's important to limit the number of days that are forgiven so students will perform well on the state assessment tests.

In Jefferson City, I'm Megan Murphy, for Missouri Capitol Caucus.