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Public access is now restricted from the conservation area around the Calloway nuclear plant.

March 19, 2003
By: India R. Williams
State Capital Bureau

JEFFERSON CITY - Access has been restricted from the Calloway Nuclear plant's conservation area as a result of the raised national security level along with the impending war with Iraq. Sportsmen will no longer be allowed to hunt and fish in this location.

The decision to close this area was a joint effort by Ameren UE and the Department of Conservation. Ameren UE owns the land, however, the conservation department administers it.

"It was done chiefly as a security concern," said Mike Cleary, the supervisor of Corporate Communication for Ameren UE, referring to the nation's current "orange" level security alert.

Cleary added that it was suggested to Ameren by the Calloway County Sheriff.

The closing is one of the measures being taken by local departments to ensure public safety.

Tim Daniel, director of Missouri's office of Homeland Security, said that when war breaks out there will be "more visible efforts" to protect certain areas.

The selected areas include public transportation depots, events with large audiences, and high-visibility public buildings, which would include the state Capitol building in Jefferson City.

Although the public has not been barred from the Capitol building yet, Daniel said "it is an option."

There would have to be a change in the alert level of security or the Homeland Security office would have to receive "actionable information" from the national Homeland Security office.

Daniel added that if the office receives information from a reliable source regarding a specific location or function and that information communicated a sense of urgency then stricter security would be implemented.