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Five Missouri Lawmakers who farm are opposing an animal friendly license plate

February 28, 2002
By: Michelle Wirth
State Capital Bureau

Five Missouri lawmakers who farm are saying no to an animal friendly license plate. Michelle Wirth has the story.

The House bill up for debate, allows for the creation of a special license plate for the Animal Friendly license plate Association.

Representatives opposing the bill say they want to know where the money from the plate would go.

Caruthersville Representative Denny Merideth says the money could fund radical animal organizations.

Actuality: Meredith
Contents: Merideth says he doesn't want the money to go to organizations using underhanded means, or groups that destroy crops.

But, those who favor the bill say the money goes to supporting animal efforts and the Missouri Federation of Animals. From Jefferson City, Michelle Wirth K-M-O-X News.

The Majority Floor Leader of the Missouri House...opposes an animal friendly license plate.

The bill creates a license plate with an emblem from the Animal Friendly License Plate Association.

Lawmakers opposing the bill say the plate could fund radical organizations because it doesn't say where the money goes.

Springfield Representative Craig Hosmer says the money won't help fund those organizations.

Contents: The bill helps animal the Department of Agriculture and spade and neuder facilities.

But, Hosmer also says the bill needs to more clealy state which facilities the plate would fund...From Jefferson City, I'm Michelle Wirth.