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A rally at the Capitol to support the Equal Rights Amendment

December 3, 2001
By: Richard Jordan
State Capital Bureau

A rally at the state capitol proceeds the filing of an equal rights amendment for women.

Richard Jordan reports from Jefferson City.

OutCue: SOC

An audience overwhelmingly made up of women came to the state capitol rotunda on Monday to hear about issues concerning equal rights.

A stong supporter of the equal rights amendment is Lt. Governor Joe Maxwell who spoke at the rally.

Contents: Lt. Gov. Joe Maxwell speaks at the ERA rally

The main item on the agenda was the equal pay bill, an act to help women in Missouri earn as much as their male counterparts.

Right now women in the state make 73.6 percent on the dollar of what men earn, less than the national average.

In Jefferson City, Richard Jordan - KMOX News.

In the next session, the state legislature will once again vote on a bill to get equal pay for women, and it all begins with a rally at the Capitol.

Richard Jordan reports from Jefferson City.

OutCue: SOC

After trying to get a similar bill passed in previous legislative sessions, a group of state representatives are coming together for equal rights.

A rally at the State Captiol Monday brought out Lt. Governor Joe Maxwell who says men play a role in the fight for equal rights.

Contents: Lt. Gov. Joe Maxwell speaks at the ERA rally

Among the issues being proposed are a an equal pay bill allowing women to earn as much as their male counterparts, and a movement to end domestic violence.

In Jefferson City, Richard Jordan - KMOX News.

There are several members in the state legislature who are working to get equal rights for women in Missouri, again.

Richard Jordan has the story from the State Capitol.

OutCue: SOC

After a similar bill died in the 2000 Legislative Session, state representives are working to get an equal pay bill passed in Missouri.

A key supporter of this legislation is Representaive Joan Bray who spoke at the rally on Monday.

Contents: Rep. Joan Bray speaks at ERA rally

Following the rally in the Capitol Rotunda, a group of women went to the house clerks office to file the equal pay bill.

In Jefferson City, Richard Jordan - KMOX News.