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Missouri River pact will hurt St. Louis water commerce

November 18, 1999
By: Stacy Covitz
State Capital Bureau

State administrators are voicing fear that the Missouri river pact will hurt St. Louis water commerce. Stacy Covitz has the story from Jefferson City.

OutCue: SOC

The state has refused to sign onto a new pact determining how water in the Missouri River will be used by the states that share it.

Missouri Natural Resources Department director Stephen Mahfood says the state has many concerns about the pact, such as water flow into the Mississippi River.

RunTime: 16 SX
Contents: Given the drought, the Missouri river provides 60 to 70 percent of the water flow the going in the Mississippi River. St. Louis would not have adequate water commerce if it wasn't for the river.

Mahfood says Missouri won't join the river pact unless this issue is addressed. From the state capitol, I'm Stacy Covitz.