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Missouri Senator Says Education Focus is Poverty

February 6, 1997
By: Mary D. Jackson
State Capital Bureau

One Missouri senator says poverty not race should be the issue when allocating state education funds. Mary Jackson has the story from the state capitol.

OutCue: SOC

Missouri Senator Harold Caskey is proposing a bill that would help school children in danger because of extreme poverty.

The bill would allow the state to take a portion of the money currently being spent on desegregation and give it to schools on the basis of poverty.

Senator Caskey says poverty is a bigger issue for Missouri children.

Actuality: Senator Harold Caskey
Contents: [70K WAV file - Senator Caskey says poverty is a bigger issue than race in Missouri schools.]

The bill would pull money from the desegregation fund and give it to Missouri districts with a poverty level above 20%

From the state capitol, I'm Mary Jackson.