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Story Search Results for Todd Richardson

12/15/2017 - Budget and Ethics Top Priorities for Upcoming Session:
Intro: Missouri's House Speaker has seen his priority, a lobbyist gift limit, fail twice in two years. He has one more year to pass it.RunTime: 0:35OutCue: SOC Play itWrap: After his election as Speaker of the House, Todd Richardson said ethics changes would be his top priority. While lawmakers cannot immediately become lobbyists and campaign contributions are limited, there is still no limit on lobbyist gifts.
2/14/2017 - Representative Abruptly Ends Testimony of Missouri NAACP President:
Actuality:  CHAPEL2.WAVRun Time: 00:06 Description: As soon as I said Jim Crow, I was invited to leave. That's more than ironic. It's pretty sad.The measure would make a discrimination lawsuit based on race and other factors more difficult to prove. Speaker of the House Todd Richardson and Lant both said in separate statements that there will be a second public hearing on the discrimination measures. Chapel said he will speak again.
1/5/2017 - Top Senate Leader Prioritizes Right to Work, not ethics:
The measure is cited as a top concern of Speaker of the House Todd Richardson, who said it will be the first measure sent to the Senate.
1/4/2017 - Lobbyist Gift Ban Top Priority for Second Year:
House Republicans have the ban as one of their main focuses. In fact, Speaker of the House Todd Richardson said it would be the first bill sent to the Senate. 

4 stories found