Sen. Tim Green, D-St.Louis County, who voted against the bill said he didn't see the legislation lowering the demand for foreign oil, since the state would still require regular unleaded-gasoline to make the mixture.
Sen. Tim Green, D-St. Louis County, expressed concern about planning to use funds that might never make it to the legislature's coffers. Green said the committee needs to make a priority list to determine who would get first dibs on the funds. The list of building construction projects includes several public universities.
Sen. Tim Green, D-St. Louis County, who placed the amendment into Shield's bill to banish contribution limits to candidates, said contribution limits enacted a few years ago lead to dozens of PACs cropping up to go around the system.
St. Joseph Senator Charlie Shields is proposing a bill that would prohibit candidates for the House, Senate, or another statewide office from receiving contributions during a legislative session. But St. Louis County Senator Tim Green wants to add an amendment, making sure those candidates are paying their taxes.
Sen. Tim Green, D-St. Louis, criticized the hefty cost of tougher penalties although he added that he would support the bill. "We are spending more money on corrections, housing people in prisons, than we are educating people that go on from our high schools," Green said.