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Story Search Results for Barbara Fraser

9/16/2004 - Impact of Women on Statewide Ballot:
Democratic Representative Barbara Fraser is says that change is still needed.
9/14/2004 - More women on the statewide ballot than at any time in Missouri's history:
Rep. Barbara Fraser, D-St. Louis County, said it is really good for the country and the state to have both men and women working together to make decisions that effect all of us. Fraser is a state director for Women in Government.
4/29/2004 - Bill would make assisting minors in getting an out-of-state abortion illegal:
St. Louis Representative Barbara Fraser, an opponent of the bill, says Missouri can't govern actions taken outside state borders.
4/28/2004 - Abortion Liability Legislation Gains House Approval:
St Louis Representative Barbara Fraser criticizes the bill for failing to make any exceptions.
4/27/2004 - Lawmakers Consider Abortion Bill:
Democratic Representative Barbara Fraser criticizes the bill for failing to make any exceptions.
4/27/2004 - House gives first-round approval to informed consent for abortions:
St. Louis area Representative Barbara Fraser says the bill is written badly because it doesn't protect rape victims or victims of incest.
4/21/2004 - Lawmakers debate legislation that would protect service dogs:
Rep. Barbara Fraser proposed an ammendment to include service cats in the legislation, but it was shot down.
4/13/2004 - House Approves Foster Care Legislation:
But that's not good enough for Democratic Representative Barbara Fraser.
4/13/2004 - House Approves Foster Care Legislation:
But that's not good enough for Democratic Representative Barbara Fraser.
3/29/2004 - Practicing what they teach:
JEFFERSON CITY -- Rep. Barbara Fraser, D-University City, gets bombarded by lobbyists every day. But this time, during a Wednesday morning session in late Februrary, it was different.
3/16/2004 - A bill passed in the House will make the names of donors to inaugural activities public:
St. Louis area Representative Barbara Fraser supports the bill, but says she hopes it doesn't change the character of Missouri's inaugural celebrations.
2/4/2004 - Missouri legislators react to Massachusetts gay marriage decision:
Missouri Representative Barbara Fraser says the New England court is handling the issue appropriately.
2/04/2004 - Mass. ruling sparks debate on gay marriage:
Rep. Barbara Fraser, D-St. Louis County, disagrees.
1/26/2004 - Committee hears new education funding proposals:
"If we look at something like this, should there be a penalty if in fact the numbers indicate that school districts are not coming up with results," said Rep. Barbara Fraser, D-St. Louis County. "What if they are saving (the money) for their building fund?"
1/14/2004 - House approves bill to increase identity theft penalties:
In floor debate, Rep. Barbara Fraser, D-St. Louis County, said the harm caused by identity theft goes beyond monetary damages.

15 stories found