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Missouri Digital News
2017 Bill(s)
SCS HB 248 Sponsor:Fitzwater, Travis Status: S 3rd Read Description: Establish a program for grants to increase career awareness among students about jobs in science, technology, engineering and math, subject to appropriations.
* HB 249 Sponsor:Fitzwater, Travis Status: H Elections Description: Repeal the crime of a voter allowing another person to see the voter's ballot to show how the person voted. Essentially, would make it legal for a voter to post a cell-phone picture of the voter's ballot.
* HCS HB 340 Sponsor:Fitzwater, Travis Status: S Commerce, Consumer, Energy & Env. Description: Various changes on electric service net metering involving customers who generate eletricity. Repeal a provision that prohibited including standby connection fees. Allow requiring a customer-generator to have liability insurance.
HB 481 Sponsor:Fitzwater, Travis Status: H Children & Families Description: Establish a program to assess the progress of language development of children up to age eight who are deaf.
See: Official legislative description and status
HB 945 Sponsor:Fitzwater, Travis Status: H Rules - Legislative Oversight Description: Give the Mental Health Department standing to file motions and participate in hearings involving involuntary medications of a person committed to the department for a mental illness that prevents the person from standing trial for a criminal charge.
HB 1078 Sponsor:Fitzwater, Travis Status: H 2nd Read Description: Create a separate judicial circuit for Audrain and Callaway counties.
See: Official legislative description and status
HCS HB 1162 Sponsor:Fitzwater, Travis Status: H Rules - Administrative Oversight Description: Require the Hazardous Waste Commission to adopt rules governing coal combustion residual units to replace federal regulation. The bill also sets requirements and restrictions for the new rules.
Note: The descriptions of bills, amendments and roll-call votes are written by MDN journalists. MDN's database may not include committee assignments of bills made on the last day of the session since it is too late for the committee to act on the bill and, thus, the delayed assignment has no practical effect.