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2018 Bill(s)
* HB 1302 Sponsor:Higdon, Galen Status: H 2nd Read Description: Extend the ban to adults on using a hand-held device while driving to adults, but allow hands-free texting while driving.
See: Official legislative description and status
HB 1595 Sponsor:Higdon, Galen Status: H Utilities Description: Extend the regulatory power of the Public Service Commission to include municipal sewer systems.
HB 1596 Sponsor:Higdon, Galen Status: H Crime Prevention & Public Safety Description: Repeal mandatory minimum sentences for a number of offenses. Allow parole hearings for model prisoners, with exceptions such as first degree murder and crimes involving firearms.
See: Official legislative description and status
HB 1600 Sponsor:Higdon, Galen Status: S Transport., Infrastructure & Safety Description: Prohibit anyone paid for operating a motor vehicle from using a hand-held wireless device while operating the vehicle, with some exceptions such as emergency vehicles or reporting a crime.
HB 1906 Sponsor:Higdon, Galen Status: H Perfection Description: Transfer five percent of the premium tax collected on insurance companies to a fund fund for services for the elderly through area agencies on the aging.
HB 2087 Sponsor:Higdon, Galen Status: H Crime Prevention & Public Safety Description: Require suspension of an intermediate (training) driving license for a person under age 18 years if the driver is cited for a high-risk traffic incident.
HCS HB 2289 Sponsor:Higdon, Galen Status: H Perfection Description: Prohibit a sewage district or city sewage service from charging a higher rate for those living outside the city than charged within those in the city. Curren law specifically allows higher rates for non-city residents.
HB 2317 Sponsor:Higdon, Galen Status: H 2nd Read Description: Make it a felony crime for a repeat violation of a law prohibiting release of information provided by a company to the Public Service Commission. Expand the types of records that must be closed such as cyber security or information that could allow unauthorized access.
See: Official legislative description and status
HB 2376 Sponsor:Higdon, Galen Status: H 2nd Read Description: Provide cost-of-living increases for Transportation Department disability benefits.
See: Official legislative description and status
Note: The descriptions of bills, amendments and roll-call votes are written by MDN journalists. MDN's database may not include committee assignments of bills made on the last day of the session since it is too late for the committee to act on the bill and, thus, the delayed assignment has no practical effect.