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The FY 2020 Budget
For the 2020 Fiscal Year (July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020)
In Millions of Dollars

Source: The FY 2020 Budget Bills and the Governor's Budget Proposal

General Revenue
Agencies FY 2019
Debt Payments 22.8 16.5 -27.8% 16.5 -27.8%
Education 3,469.5 3,549.1 2.3% 3,542.4 2.1%
Higher Education - 1 880.3 952.7 8.2% 944.1 7.2%
Revenue 64.4 64.9 0.8% 64.8 0.6%
Transportation - 2 15.3 101.4 563.4% 168.6 1,002.5%
Administration Office 221.4 235.5 6.4% 235.3 6.3%
Employee Benefits 650.3 679.2 4.4% 679.8 4.5%
Agriculture 5.4 6.0 12.9% 5.5 2.6%
Natural Resources - 3 13.8 25.6 85.9% 25.6 86.2%
Conservation 0.0 0.0 [na] 0.0 [na]
Economic Development - 1, 3, 4 69.8 85.2 22.1% 86.5 23.9%
Insurance - 4 0.0 1.0 [na] 1.0 [na]
Labor 2.2 2.3 8.8% 2.3 7.0%
Public Safety 71.1 73.9 3.8% 80.0 12.5%
Corrections 690.4 695.9 0.8% 694.7 0.6%
Mental Health 811.9 913.9 12.6% 913.2 12.5%
Health 381.6 393.2 3.0% 387.4 1.5%
Social Services 1,650.8 1,832.0 11.0% 1,832.0 11.0%
Elected Officials 57.4 68.0 18.5% 70.2 22.3%
Judiciary 191.7 197.4 3.0% 200.5 4.6%
Public Defender 46.0 47.1 2.3% 48.5 5.3%
General Assembly 36.4 37.0 1.6% 38.2 5.0%
Building Rent 73.6 73.9 0.5% 73.9 0.4%
TOTAL $9,426.0 $10,051.8 6.6% $10,11-.8 7.3%

All Funds
Agencies FY 2019
Debt Payments 24.1 17.6 -27.0% 17.6 -27.0%
Education 6,157.2 6,274.4 1.9% 6,273.1 1.9%
Higher Education - 1 1,181.2 1,335.4 13.1% 1,336.7 13.2%
Revenue 520.9 513.6 -1.4% 515.8 -1.0%
Transportation - 2 2,540.3 2,901.3 14.2% 2,934.0 15.5%
Administration Office 372.3 432.9 16.3% 432.5 16.2%
Employee Benefits 1,093.0 1,138.1 4.1% 1,140.4 4.3%
Agriculture 35.8 38.7 8.1% 38.4 7.2%
Natural Resources - 3 586.9 618.3 5.4% 618.6 5.4%
Conservation 161.1 165.1 2.5% 170.6 5.9%
Economic Development - 1, 3, 4 363.8 238.7 -34.4% 240.1 -34.0%
Insurance - 4 45.8 64.8 41.7% 64.8 41.6%
Labor 207.0 204.3 -1.3% 204.1 -1.4%
Public Safety 726.5 745.9 2.7% 752.5 3.6%
Corrections 775.6 186.2 -76.0% 777.3 0.2%
Mental Health 2,230.5 2,442.6 9.5% 2,463.2 10.4%
Health 1,403.9 1,451.9 3.4% 1,442.7 2.8%
Social Services 9,300.7 9,784.1 5.2% 9,621.9 3.5%
Elected Officials 165.0 187.8 13.8% 190.4 15.4%
Judiciary 218.6 224.4 2.7% 227.6 4.1%
Public Defender 49.1 50.2 2.1% 51.6 5.0%
General Assembly 36.8 38.6 4.9% 38.6 4.9%
Building Rent 107.2 104.3 -2.6% 104.3 -2.6%
TOTAL $28,303.3 $29,159.0 3.0% $29,656.5 4.8%

See Past Budgets:

NOTES FOOTNOTES The budget funds between five departments to reflect the governor's executive orders transferring programs between departments and a transportation funding increase contingent upon legislative approval of a bond issue.
  1. The Workforce Development Division and its funding would be transfered to the Higher Education Department, amounting to a $99 million shift in the all funds category, mostly federal funds, from the Economic Development Department to the Higher Education Department. The transfer of nearly 350 employees that also would involve transfer of expenses from Economic Development to Higher Education. Much of Higher Education Department general revenue increase is for student financial aid and central administration costs for the Workforce Development Division.
  2. The Transportation Department's budget includes $49.5 million in General Revenue funds and $49.5 million in highway funds to make payments for a $300 million bond issue for highway bridge repair and replacement.
  3. The Energy Division and its funding would be transferred from the Economic Development Department to the Natural Resources Department.
  4. The utility-regulating Public Service Commission and the Public Counsel's office (that represents the public utility cases) and their funding would be transferred from the Economic Development Department to the Insurance Department.