Gun bill would authorize owners to openly carry weapons in Missouri.
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Gun bill would authorize owners to openly carry weapons in Missouri.

Date: March 31, 2009
By: Chance Seales
State Capitol Bureau
Links: HB 875

Intro: Missouri gun owners would be cleared to openly carry weapons nearly anywhere in the state under a bill proposed Tuesday.

Chance Seales (SEALS) reports from Jefferson City.

OutCue: SOC

Missourians concerned about gun control just got a new target. 

The measure was heard by the House Agriculture-Business Committee and would allow all legal gun owners to openly carry a firearm anywhere in Missouri, even counties and municipalities that currently ban carrying guns.

Republican Rep. Scott Largent of Western Missouri introduced the bill and says municipalities don't have the power to limit gun owners' rights. 

Actuality:  LARG1.WAV
Run Time: 00:10
Description: "It is the state that is protecting the rights of the citizens, it's not infringing on the rights of the municipalities.  It's protecting the rights of all the citizens of the state." 

One St. Louis County Senator says she disagrees with current gun laws, but would rather someone wear a gun on their hip than hide them.   

From the State Capitol, I'm Chance Seales. 

Intro: Local gun laws would be shot down under a plan heard by the House Agriculture-Business Committee Tuesday.

Chance Seales (SEALS) reports from the state Capitol.

OutCue: SOC

Local governments in Missouri would lose the right to restrict guns if a bill clears the legislature.

If passed, gun owners will be allowed to wear their weapons in public, no matter the county or municipality.

Advocates say it's more important to protect the constitutional rights of gun owners than local laws.

Democratic Sen. Joan Bray of St. Louis County says she thinks open carry laws are better, but the overall plan is flawed.  

Actuality:  BRAY1.WAV
Run Time: 00:13
Description: "I think being sneaky about your gun, I mean if you're going to have one you just ought to carry it on your hip and be frank about you're ready to use it.  But if this is taking away the local option of restricting that, I would not be in favor of that." 

If it doesn't pass, the bill's sponsor says he'll consider attaching it to another one on the House floor.

From Jefferson City, I'm Chance Seales.